“Sorry,” Noah said. “I didn’t know you were standing there.”

“You could have knocked.”

“I heard yelling. I thought something might be wrong.”

“Yeah, right. What is it—the fourth-inning stretch?”

Noah smiled. “Rain delay. And it’s the seventh-inning stretch, actually.”

“Great.” Heather turned away and scooped her gray dress off the floor. “You’d better get back before it stops raining and you miss another exciting, grand-slam thingamajig.”

“I don’t know,” he said. “Looks like all the exciting thingamajigs are happening in here.”

Heather sniffed up the last of her tears. “What does that mean?”

“It means that I was wrong about the dress. It looks terrific.”



Heather looked toward her bare feet. “You want to see my new shoes?”

“Do they have high heels?”

“Five inches.”

Noah’s smile widened. “Then I would love to see your new shoes.”

Heather quickly slipped them on. The extra five inches made them roughly the same height. “They’re like the ones that Kim Kardashian was wearing inUS Weekly.” She bit down on her tongue. Noah hated when she talked about celebrities.

But Noah was already reaching for her, and the obvious lust in his eyes told her that she finally had his full attention.