Everything else went pretty much according to plan. He carried the garbage bags with Nadia’s remains to his car, which he’d parked at the side of the road just prior to bringing her body downstairs, then tossed it in the trunk and drove to the suburb of Newton, where he threw it into a large garbage bin behind a McDonald’s not far from the home of Nadia’s former employer. If anyone were to check its contents, which was highly unlikely, “Mr. Handsy” would be the first one the police would suspect. And wouldn’t that be fun!

But that all happened a few days ago, and there’s been no mention in the media of another body turning up, so it seems he’s safe for now.

Which brings him to Paige Hamilton, the biggest surprise of all. Not only did she cancel their date at the last minute, she’s made no attempt since to contact him. At the very least, he expected her to reach out with another apology and a plea to try again. But no, she obviously considers herself too good for that, and is waiting for him to make the next move.

And he will. In his own sweet time.

He’s decided to lie low for a week or two. Paige Hamilton has thrown him off his game, and Mr. Right Now needs time to rest and recharge his batteries.

But don’t worry, Wildflower,he thinks with a smile.I’ll be back, meaner and wilier than ever.

And there will be no more surprises.