“Oh. That’s so…nice.” Joan stared at her daughter, as if waiting for her to say more. “Well, I guess I’ll see you in the morning,” she said after a silence of several seconds. “Can I get you something from the kitchen?”

“No, thanks. I’m good.”

“Good night, darling. Sleep well.”

Sleep well.

“You, too,” Paige called to the closing door. She heard the familiar ping of her phone and saw a message from Mr. Right Now.

Hey, Wildflower,the text said.

That was it.

Hey,she texted back.

No response.

That’s strange,she thought, staring at her phone for two more minutes before lying back down, about to turn off the light when another text arrived.

Sorry about that,came the message.Wasn’t sure what to say next. I’m pretty new to all this.Obviously.

Sweet, Paige thought.Me, too,she replied.

So, what happens next?

Why don’t you tell me about yourself,Paige responded, intrigued.

Well, I’m thirty-six, from San Francisco originally, an only child,parents married fifty-plus years, have an MBA from Berkeley. Another lengthy pause, then,I probably should tell you that I’ve been married before. For three years.My wife died two years ago,he continued without prompting.Cancer.

How awful,Paige wrote back, thinking of her father.I’m so sorry.

Yeah, it was tough. It took me a long time to get over it. I quit my job, traveled for a while. Moved to Bostona few months ago, so don’t know a lot of people. Just starting to put myself out there. Joined a bunch of dating sites, hoping to meet someone. What else can I tell you? I like jazz.

I like jazz,Paige told him.

Another seemingly interminable pause.

Then,Look. I’m clearly not very good at this. Are you game for meeting up in person?

Was she? What about Sam?Sure. When did you have in mind?

How about Wednesday? Six o’clock? The Bleacher Bar inside Fenway Park?

Sounds interesting. I’ve never been there.

Good. I like introducing people to new things.

So okay, then, I’ll see you Wednesday.

See you then. Good night, Wildflower.

Paige returned her phone to the nightstand and lay back down, excitement over Mr. Right Now overwhelming the lingering guilt about Sam. Within seconds, she was sound asleep.