Page 159 of All the Wrong Places

Chloe smiled. “That’s so great.”

“Well, it’s early days. We’ll see how it goes.”

“Knock, knock. Can we come in?” Joan Hamilton poked her head in the doorway. “I have some people here who are most anxious to see you.”

“Mommy!” Josh and Sasha shouted together, racing for their mother’s bed.

“Careful. No running,” Joan cautioned. “No jumping on the bed.”

“Oh, my sweet angels,” Chloe cried, as they clambered into her arms.

“Careful,” Paige and her mother urged, their voices overlapping.

“The doctor said they could visit for a few minutes,” Joan explained, “providing they’re very gentle with Mommy.”

“Are we gentle, Mommy?” Sasha asked. “Are you okay?”

“I am now that you’re here.”

“When are you coming home?” Josh said.

“Soon, I hope.”

“Paige and Nana Joan are taking good care of us till you get better,” Sasha told her mother.

“I’m so glad.”

“Why isn’t Daddy taking care of us?” Josh asked, hazel eyes narrowing.

“We weren’t sure how much to tell them,” Paige whispered under her breath.

Chloe nodded. “I think this is a job for Miracle Woman,” she said. “If you could give us a minute.”

“You’re sure you’re up for this?” Paige asked.

“I’m sure.”

“We’ll be in the hall,” Joan said.

“Your daddy did a bad thing,” Chloe began as the door closed after them.

Paige leaned against the wall as her mother began pacing back and forth in front of her. “Problem?” Paige asked.

“I don’t know.”

“What do you mean, you don’t know? Please tell me you’re feeling all right.”

“I’m fine, darling. It’s Bev. She called earlier…”


“Have you spoken to Heather lately?”

“Not since the day Chloe was shot. Why?”

“Neither have Ted or Bev,” Joan said.

“Well, they kicked her out of the house, so they shouldn’t be all that surprised. Heather’s pretty famous for holding a grudge.”