Page 126 of All the Wrong Places

“No. But I believe youhavemet my husband.”

“Nooo,” the young woman demurred, glancing uneasily toward Matt. “Well, we talked for a minute while he was waiting for you.”

“Chloe…” Matt began.

“And yet, here you are,” Chloe said, holding up Matt’s cellphone, and offering the clearly nonplussed woman her most indulgent smile. “I had a feeling I’d find you here. My husband is pretty transparent that way. Unfortunately, it may be a while before you hear from him. I’m afraid there are a lot of women ahead of you.”


“Excuse me,” Avery said, making a hasty retreat.

“Was that really necessary?” Matt asked, his face flush with anger, a vein throbbing noticeably at his temple.

“Yeah, it kinda was.” She handed him back his phone.

“So, what now?” he asked, gradually recovering his composure.

Chloe picked up her wineglass and raised it to her lips. “I want a divorce.”