Chloe was waiting by the front door when Paige’s cab pulled up in front of the narrow two-story house on Binney Street. She was wearing white shorts and a vintage Rolling Stones T-shirt boasting a giant tongue festooned with the stars and stripes. Her blond hair was pulled into a high ponytail, making her look more like a teenage babysitter than the mistress of the house. But even from the street, Paige could see that something was wrong. Chloe’s lovely features were contorted in pain, her beautiful eyes vacant and refusing to settle, her perfect lips trembling and twisting from side to side.

“Come on in,” she said, ushering Paige inside the tiny foyer and closing the door.

“What’s up?” Paige followed her friend into her small, all-white kitchen. “Are you okay?”

“Not really,” Chloe said. “I mean, I’m not sick or anything.”

“The kids?”

“They’re fine.” She pointed toward the staircase at the back of the house. “They’re in my room. I said they could watch cartoons. Do you want something to drink?”

“Maybe some water.”

Chloe was immediately at the sink, filling her a glass. “Ice?”

“No, it’s fine. Chloe…”

“It’s Matt,” Chloe said, handing Paige the glass of water and motioning for her to have a seat at the table.

“Did he…did he hit you?” Paige held her breath as she lowered herself into one of four white plastic chairs grouped around the small, round table.

“No. Of course not.”

Chloe had always denied Matt was physically abusive, despite occasional evidence to the contrary. Paige sipped at her water and waited for Chloe to continue.

“But you won’t believe what he’s done.”

I’ll believe it,Paige thought. “What has he done?”

“You won’t believe it,” Chloe repeated.

“Tell me.”

“No. I’ll show you.” Chloe retrieved her laptop computer from the counter beside the stove. “Check this out.” Her fingers danced expertly across the keyboard. Seconds later, a picture of a smiling couple appeared—all gleaming teeth and twinkling eyes—underneath the logo:PERFECT STRANGERS.

Paige knew instantly that it was a dating site. They all looked vaguely the same. Different name; identical goal.You may be strangers now,the site promised,but who knows? You could be perfect for each other.

“What am I looking at?” Paige asked.

“Wait for it,” Chloe said.

Let us help you discover if a perfect stranger could be THE ONE. Sign up now,Paige read before a few more clicks sent the words careening into cyberspace, replaced by a spreadsheet of postage-size photographs of men, accompanied by brief profiles.

Chloe scrolled quickly down the list, dozens of eligible men appearing, then disappearing from view. She stopped on the profile of a man with light brown hair, dark, brooding eyes, and deep dimples bracketing his lips. “See anyone you know?”


“No kidding,” Chloe said.

“Maybe it’s not him.” Paige’s voice was unconvincing, even to her own ears.

“Matt and I have been married for eight years. I think I recognize him by now.”

“Maybe it’s just someone who looks like him,” Paige argued.

“Think so? Wait here.” Chloe marched from the room.