Page 114 of All the Wrong Places

The clerk bent toward a drawer and pulled out a bunch of forms, handing them across the reception desk to Chloe. “You need to fill these out in as much detail as you can, but don’t sign them before you’re in front of a notary public or a clerk of the court.”

Chloe took a cursory glance through the multitude of pages. “It’s so much,” she mumbled, the beginnings of panic stirring in her chest.Damn it,she thought. Paige’s mother was right. She should have written everything down.

The clerk’s muted smile signaled her compassion. “You can take them home, if that would be easier for you. Unless, of course, it’s an emergency. Is it?”

“No,” Chloe told her. “I don’t think so.”

“Are you in immediate physical danger?”

“My husband has a gun. Does that count?”

“Has he threatened you with it?”


“Lots of people have guns,” the clerk said with a sigh. “How exactly has he been harassing you?”

“Well, we’re separated, and I’ve been getting these horrible, obscene phone calls. My husband swears it wasn’t him, but he’s made vague threats before…”

“Sorry, honey, but you’re going to need more than vague threats to prove to a judge that you need a restraining order. He’ll be looking for specific facts, details of actual threats and abuse. The defendant, in this case your estranged husband, has to have either caused you physical harm, attempted to cause you physical harm, placed you in fear of physical harm, or forced you to have sex,” she recited, as if by rote. “The judge can deny issuing an order if he finds there’s no basis.”

“So, what do I do? I’m not sure…”

“My advice would be to get a lawyer involved.”

“Lawyers are expensive,” Chloe said. It was important she keep her legal fees to a minimum. “So, say I go ahead and fill this out…What happens next?”

“You’ll receive a court hearing where you can present your case, and then you’ll wait for the judge’s decision. I assume it’s an ex parte order you’re after.”

“What’s that?”

“An ex parte order means that your husband doesn’t have to be notified of your intentions and that the hearing will be held right away, either in person or over the phone.”

“Over the phone?”

“Only if no judge is available. But you’re in luck. Judge Lewis is here today. You’ll be asking him to issue a no-contact order that would limit or prevent your husband from contacting you and your children. This order can last up to ten business days, after which your husband will have the right to attend a hearing and present a defense.”

“Oh, God. He’ll be furious.”

The clerk nodded, signaling she was well acquainted with Chloe’s predicament. “What you do is up to you, of course,” she said. “But again, you should probably consult a lawyer, see if there’s a real basis for an order of this kind. It’s going to cost you either way.”

“What do you mean?”

“The fee is three hundred and fifty-five dollars to file a civil harassment restraining order unless physical harm or the threat of physical harm is present, which, in this case, you tell me isn’t there. And there’s no guarantee you’ll be successful. So…”

“So, I should probably talk to my lawyer,” Chloe said, conceding the inevitable.

“That would be my recommendation. But, as I said, it’s entirely up to you.”

Chloe stuffed the forms inside her purse. How could anything be up to her when her life was careening out of control? “Thank you,” she told the clerk.

“Nice dress, by the way.”

“Thank you,” Chloe said again, fleeing the office before the woman could see her burst into tears.