Page 149 of All the Wrong Places

“No, I don’t think I should start looking for an apartment and another job,” Heather snapped. “I know that’s the responsible thing to do. I know it’s whatyouwould do. But, news flash, I’mnotyou.”

“Nobody said you were…”

“I am so sick of being judged and found wanting…”

“Nobody is judging you…”

“If you’re so bloody perfect, why did Noah cheat on you in the first place?”

“Okay,” Paige said, marveling at how quickly the conversation had shifted gears. “I think we’ve said everything that needs to be said.”

“And, of course,youget to decide that.”

“Yes,” Paige said. “Yes, I do. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I really have to start getting ready.”

“For your big date.”

“Yes, for my big date.” She walked to the kitchen door, Heather on her heels. “Heather,” Paige said, stopping abruptly and swiveling around. “You’re high. You’re upset. You need to go home and lie down.”

“I don’t have a home, remember?”

Paige glanced up at the ceiling, her head spinning. “So, what are you saying? You want to stay here?”

“No. Are you crazy? I definitely don’t want to stay here.”

“Then whatdoyou want? Do you have any idea?”

The women stared at each other in silence for several long seconds.

The landline rang.

Paige reached over and answered it, grateful for the interruption. Anything was better than this. “Hello?” she said.

“Oh, darling. Thank heavens I reached you,” her mother said. “I’ve been trying your cell…”

“What’s the matter, Mom?”

“I’m at the hospital…”

“What? No! Not again.”

“No, darling. It’s not me. I’m fine.”

“I don’t understand. Has something happened to Harry?”

“No, sweetheart. Just listen. I’m at Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge.”

“In Cambridge? What are you doing there? Oh, God,” Paige said, dread seeping into every pore. “It’s Chloe, isn’t it?”

“Yes, darling.” Her mother audibly choked back tears.


“She’s been shot.”

No,Paige thought.This can’t be happening.“How is that possible? Who…?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

“It was Matt. He shot her. The police are out searching for him now. And…and…he has the kids.”

“Oh, God.” To think that Matt could have done something so awful, to think of her beautiful, sweet Chloe lying in some hospital bed. And then, an even worse thought. “Is she…Is she still alive?”

There was a long pause. “You need to get here as fast as you can,” her mother said.