Page 24 of Shadow of Fear

“You’ve been distracted by the attacks and by our injuries to the point that you could have easily let the subcommittee meeting slide without bringing up the drug distribution ring. Or worse, cut back on investigating it, if they spooked you enough.”

That time the Senator scoffed and everyone laughed. Gavin held up his cellphone. “Swede sent me the message on a secure line. There’s a meeting with the leaders of the drug distribution ring, in the states. They’re coming together to address their problem.”

“The investigation,” several murmurs sounded around the room.

"The investigation. DEA, Shadow Ops, Brotherhood Protectors, and now the most visible of all, Senator Mitchell." Gavin laid his phone down with a thunk. "They're planning an all-out assault on us."

A conference call was arranged with Hank Patterson, Agent Fanning of the DEA, and Kane Reynolds. While the meeting site and time weren't in the decoded message, all had agents on the ground trying to find the location. As for the planned assault, no one had any ideas.

The Montana ranch that served as Hank's home and base could and probably was a target and he started taking action even as they talked. His wife and daughter would be taken to a safe space, if he could talk Sadie into it. His operatives that were located near the ranch would scatter and other bodyguards would be alerted. Kane likewise would make sure his staff was alerted, though it was dicier in his situation, as some were in sensitive positions. Finally, the team turned to Senator Mitchell. "You're the most visible, Gray. And the one with the apparent power, right now."

“I’m a politician, Kane.” The Senator groused. “It isn’t something that will happen fast.”

Hank chuffed a laugh. “You haven’t been monitoring the news channels, have you? Everyone running for reelection is talking about cosponsoring a bill with you. And the white house is holding a press conference later this afternoon. They said you’d be there, by the way.”

The Senator rubbed his neck and nodded. “Maybe something will come out of it, then.”

“Yeah,” Bear grunted. “You’ll either be asked to run for President or be buried.”


The press conferencewas held in the small room reserved for the President and Vice President to give their remarks. So small in fact, that Rachel and Gavin weren’t given access. She shifted from one foot to the other as she waited in the hallway with him, other staffers milling around and eyeing them speculatively.

“How long do you think this will last?” she whispered.

“As long as the President or his chief of staff thinks is necessary.” He said as he fiddled with his phone.

“As long as things are going the President’s way,” a woman standing nearby murmured, with several people nodding. Rachel smiled weakly at the joke/truth and leaned against Gavin’s shoulder to watch the conference on his phone.

“We stand with the good people of the Armed Services, our courageous fighting force. As President, I’m determined to snuff out, snuff out the culprits and bring them to justice.”

"How do you bring snuffed people to justice?" someone said quietly to chuckles. "Speechwriters must have drafted that one quick."

“Sounds off the cuff to me.” Another staffer remarked.

Questions to the President were answered in typical vagueness, with a couple of actual doable things thrown in. He took questions for fifteen minutes before handing it over to Senator Mitchell, who’d stood behind him stalwartly. When he stepped to the podium, flashes from the cameras made the area a stark white for a second before clearing. The first question was a great one, one the Senator was well prepared for.

“Senator, how did you come to learn of this drug distribution ring?”

“I learned of the drug ring through the murder of my son.” His stark remarks should have silenced the room but it buzzed with whispers instead. It did bring the President’s head up as he focused on the answer.

“My son, Grayson Mitchell Jr. had a drug problem, as most of you know. He battled for many years and hadn’t had much success. When he finally got sober, he wanted to help others, to cut off supply. He’d been involved in the distribution ring and had information. But before he could deliver that knowledge to the authorities, he was murdered. My daughter was also attacked and threatened by the same unidentified people, but luckily has survived.”

Senator Mitchell went on to outline each incident that had happened while the investigation was proceeding. “It’s been a distraction,” he said with a quirk of his lip, “but I’m joining the President in his statement. The end of this distribution ring is near. We’ve got the information we need to start naming names and drafting warrants.”

The clamor that followed eliminated the need for more questions or answers and Mitchell stepped away from the podium. There was the requisite photo op of him and the President and Vice President shaking hands, talking with lowered heads, and so on, then they were ushered out of the room and into the crowded hallway, which made a path.

Most of the staffers followed the President and Vice President. Rachel expected Senator Mitchell to go to a meeting with them, but he came to a halt at Gavin’s side. “Good enough?”

“Good enough,” Gavin said gravely.

They went to the underground passage, ignored or barely acknowledged the people now eager to be a part of Senator Mitchell’s intimate group, and to his office. The quiet room belied Rachel’s anxiety. ”We don’t have names. We aren’t working on warrants.”

“No, we don’t.” Senator Mitchell pulled out his phone and tapped a text. “Hank is monitoring the feeds to the supply depots and Kane has somebody doing the same with the guys here in Washington. Pritchard and Gold.”

“You still think Gold has something to do with this?” She asked.

"It was Gavin who asked," Mitchell looked at him.