“It can’t be,” Lottie whispered.

“But it is,” a sweet, melodic voice floated from the iridescent rainbow as none other than the Goddess Rhiannon stepped into view. “I have come, my sweet Carlotta, to thank you for protecting the Coven of my Guardians and bless your union to the Dragon, the man the Universe made just for you.”

Sliding off Van’s lap, Lottie got to her feet, pulling Van along with her. “I just can’t… I’m... It is… I… I… I…”

“What she’s trying to say…” A finally awake and suddenly bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Prue picked up where Lottie couldn’t. “…is thank you, Goddess. We are humbled to have you in our home.”

“And to you, Prudence, I must say how very proud of you I am. Not only have you shown fortitude in the face of danger, but your resolve to stand by your sister Witch and guard your home – our home – no matter the personal costs is nothing short of commendable. It shows that you are ready for whatever comes and you, my sweet child, are no longer a Novice. From this moment until the end of time, you will be known as the Historian and Keeper of the Scrolls of the Coven of the Guardians of the Goddess. May knowledge always be your pursuit and your guide, and may you share all you know with future generations.”

“Oh, Goddess,” Prue gushed. “Thank you. Thank you so very much.”

“Be well, my child, for you are the future of all we hold dear.”

Turning back to Lottie and Van, the Goddess closed the distance between them. Pushing her long platinum hair over her shoulder, Rhiannon pulled out three perfect strands and laid them across the palm of her free hand.

“Donovan Cross, is there something you and your Dragon King wish to give to Carlotta and her Sleipnir Mare?”

“Yes, Goddess,” he murmured, reaching into his pocket and bringing out two of the most perfect precious gems Lottie had ever seen.

Watching as he handed them to Rhiannon, Lottie opened and closed her mouth again and again, trying to say the words that were in her heart, but failing. Then the Goddess began to weave the strands of hair around the stones and the Sleipnir Shifter was transfixed.

Eyes glued to the miracle happening right before her eyes, she listened closely as Rhiannon began to speak, “For every soul there shall be a Mate, the other half of the same soul, a heart to beat in sync, and a life to be shared.”

“On the day your image came to me, Carlotta, the promise of all you were to be so very many years before you were born, I asked the Universe for a Mate who would be your equal, who would love you for who you are, who would nurture your brilliant mind, your fierce determination, and your unstoppable spirit.”

“It took many days and many nights, but the Universe returned to me and said, ‘Because you have been a faithful servant, Rhiannon, I have created just the right Dragon King and his Guardsman to be the perfect Mate for your Protector. He will be strong and loving, giving and protective, and although she may need to remind him of her independence from time to time and bring the much needed light to his soul, he will love her with all that he is and never forsake her. This man, Donovan and his Dragon, Daig, will be just what your Carlotta and Astrid need, just as they will be all the men ever desire.”

Closing her hands together, the Goddess looked up and smiled, “Please face each other, my loving children, hold hands and look upon the one the Universe made for you.”

Holding back her tears, so happy she thought her heart might burst, Lottie did as she was told. Looking into Van’s eyes, she saw her forever after, her happily ever after, and most importantly, she saw all encompassing, unconditional love.

“Today, I give you a blessing all your own, one composed by my own heart and written by my own hand. With your Mate by your side you, Carlotta and you, Donovan will fly as the dove soaring into every day with the hope of happiness and the love of your one and only.”

“With your Mate by your side, you will race across the dew-covered countryside like the Sleipnir Mare, the love of your perfect companion fueling your thundering hooves as you charge into every new adventure as one. Together you are unstoppable.”

“With your Mate by your side, you will hold steady in all endeavors, supporting the one who holds your heart with the steely resolve of the mighty Dragons. You will never waver in your belief in one another and share the love you have found with all you know, your children, their children and all your descendants to come. Love is the key and yours is unbreakable.”

Laying her hand over Donovan’s she went on, “In the palm of your hand, you hold the symbol of your love and commitment to Carlotta. Place it upon her finger and mark her as your own as she will do the same.”

Stepping back, Rhiannon raised her hands, and all the Fairies began to hum the same tune that had been played at the Mating Ceremony of Lottie’s mom and dad. “Today you are one in mind, heart, and soul. May all your tomorrows be bright, your troubles be few, and the love you share blossom until the end of time.”

Stepping back until she was once again standing under the glowing rainbow with the doves, Fairies, and Mares at her back, Rhiannon turned to Jianna, “Thank you, oh, great Warrior. You are a true friend to all, and a Guardian to which we all owe a tremendous debt. Let me lighten your load and return the Oriens to whence he came.”

Bowing at the waist the Valkyrie reverently agreed, “Thank you, Goddess of the Moon, our Great Queen and White Witch. To you I give my fealty and my blade should you have need of me, I am at your service.”

“Blessed be, Jianna of the Wolven Valkyries. Blessed be.” One more look and a smile that made Lottie’s heart skip a beat and Rhiannon added, “Blessed be, my beautiful children. Blessed be and love ever more.”

And just like that the Goddess was gone, the mansion was restored to its original, wonderful glory, and Lottie and her Mate were magically whisked to Van’s home on the far side of the MacAllen Ranch.

Lifting her hand from Chase’s wrist, Lottie got to her feet with Van at her side and cleared her throat. Waiting until the haze cleared from the DIA Agent’s eyes, she snapped her fingers, gave a mock salute and winked, “And that’s all she wrote. We’re outta here.”


“No buts, Chase. You’ve got all you need and then some. Have somebody type it up and we’ll sign when we see you again. We’re outta here.” Following her Mate to the door, Lottie called over her shoulder, “And Van’s taking all eight weeks of his vacation effective immediately. No calls please.”