“Yeah, well, that may never happen.”

“Never say never,” Merlin reassured. “You’ll get there, promise. Fate is a cantankerous Being. She takes no shit from nobody and always gets her way.” A quick nod and he was once again asking, “So, whatcha need? Sorry to hurry you along, but I’ve got a meeting with my agent in about twenty minutes.”

“No worries,” Van responded along with Jianna before going on, “We just wanted you to check the wards. Something weird is going on with my mental shielding. Seems like I’m broadcasting on all channels even though my brain’s locked down tighter than Fort Knox.”

“And Seraphina’s not around?”

“Nope, I tried calling about half a dozen times,” Jianna replied. “Merry at the Front Desk and Avril at the ice cream shop complained earlier about hearing everything everyone was thinking, but this is the first chance I’ve had to reach out.”

“Okay,” Merlin nodded, his voice already carrying the faraway that accompanied deep thought.

Watching the Wizard’s hands leave sparkling trails of Magic as they moved so quickly they were little more than a blur, Van caught bits and pieces of the spell he was working. Not only was Merlin calling upon the Elements, but Mother Nature Herself and all the creatures both great and small who lent their Power to help Crimson Moon be the very special haven it provided for all Paranormals.

Done in less than a minute and a half, Merlin’s face was drawn and his eyes the dark blue of a turbulent sea. “It’s not the wards,” he slowly seethed. “The evil sorcery is targeted at you and Lottie.”

No sooner had the words been spoken than a roaring scream blast through Van’s mind.“Son of a three-pimpled whore, Vanessa just jumped the portal to Valentine and the bitch has me locked out!”