(Yes, I cooed. I admit, it was not my finest hour, but we'd been hurdled through space and time...

Okay, hang on, let me clarify. At that point in this adventure, I had absolutely no ideawhathad happened or where we were. Remember the beginning? Yeah, that. All I knew for sure was that I was in the dark – both literally and figuratively. Nothing new there, but I digress. The facts were – Mick, Bernie, and I were in my house planning our trip home when out of nowherea zap, a zing, a bang, and a boomburst through the walls. In the blink of an eye, everything went dark then my skin felt like a million or so angry fire ants were chowing down like it was Thanksgiving and I was the turkey. However, Iamone smart cookie – if I do say so myself – and having been tossed around the universe, ridden on more than one Bucking Broomstick Bronco, exactly two moonbeams, and the tentacle of a space Octopus on a dare, I could, with some authority, say that we were no longer on Earth and in fact being hurtled through Time and Space.

Okay, now you’re up to speed…)

I needed to find Mick. I had to knowwhyhe wasn't talking. I mean, cute banter was our thing. Neither one of us knew when to hush up and listen. It was just what we did. I was made for Mick and well, umm, Mick was made for me.

I got as far as, “Mick, are you…”

When a mighty inhale damned near sucked every last molecule of O2 from the atmosphere before the whole place – a gross, dusty, cobweb-covered cave- was lit up like Times Square on New Year's Eve with the most gorgeous red, yellow, and orange Dragon Fire. And there he was, the man of my dreams, my hunka-hunka-burning love, not ten feet away, looking at me with love in his eyes and a frown on his lips.

Hey! Wait! A frown?

(Yeah, I know. I thought the same thing.)

Hands still in front of me, butt poking out behind me in my perfect imitation of a big red hen, and eyes – yep, you guessed it – still open really wide, I inhaled deeply and opened my mouth. I was just about to say something really, really, unimaginably stupid like,“Well, shit, Mick, you had your Magic the whole time? Couldn’t you have made with the flames from the very beginning? What took you so long? And, what the hell? Why are you frowning?”When Bernie snapped to attention, stood on her hind legs and threw both hooves straight out in front and roared, “Holy Cherub in a dirty diaper, is that Cupid?”

And that’s when all hell broke loose.