“And that’s our cue to go,” Colton sighed. “I come home for the first time since joining the DIA and fall face first into a pile of lovey-dovey crap. When will it ever stop?” Letting his head fall back, the oldest of the twin MacAllens grumbled, "Please, dear Heavens, make it stop. Make it stop right now."

“Oh, shut up,” Jack teased. “You and Heath go clean up what’s left of the Lupine Master.”

“What?” Colton loudly objected. "I don't…."

“Do as you’re told, Cadet,” Ranger added. “Baggin’ evidence and crime scene clean-up is the first step to earnin’ your badge.”

“Yeah, that’s what you said when you sent me a hundred miles across the desert for the best barbeque ribs besides the ones mom makes.”

"And I was right, wasn't I?" Not waiting for an answer, Ranger kept right on going, "Now, get in there and do as you’re told, or I'll tell Donovan that you're not DIA material."

"I'm going," Colton grumped. "But I want to get one thing straight. The Lupine Master came all the way out here to our desert to chase Jack, not me. It's Jack's Mate he came after for revenge. Jack who pissed the 'Thing with a Hundred Faces' off by pretending to be a scientist, taking away its daddy, then chasing it all over the world. Jack, not me, right? Let’s be clear on that.”

"We're clear, Cole," Jack chuckled. "Now, y'all clean up that mess and don't miss anything. The DIA Techs will want every piece they can get for analysis. We have to be sure there's no more like him out there. Miles is more than ready to analyze what's left and get us some answers."

“Yeah, yeah, I hear ya’,” Cole sassed. "I know I've said it before, but I'm gonna say it again - Miles is too damn smart for his own good."

"Yeah, he is. Guy's got too many degrees to list," Ranger agreed. "Glad he's on our side." He shook his head, "Now, stop futzin' around and get in there."

"We're goin'." Then bopping his twin in the back of the head, he added loud enough for everyone to hear, “Come on, Heath, they said your name, too.”

“Yeah, but I’m not the one who was stupid enough to wanna be a cop.”

“That’s Agent, Dipshit.”

Laughing as his cousins’ bickering faded into the cave, Jack cleared his throat and looked Gage in the eye. “What was that you were sayin’ about leavin’ us alone?”

“Subtle, Thorntree,” Macy teased, shaking her head and pretending to be embarrassed even as he could feel her need to be alone with him was as strong as his own. “Real subtle.”

Tippin’ the brim of his dark brown Stetson towards Jack, Gage chuckled, “I was sayin’ we’ll see ya’ back at the house whenever you get there.”

No sooner had the words been spoken than they were blessedly alone. Lifting Macy into his arms, Jack poured on the preternatural speed, stopping only when he was in the exact spot atop the very same mesa where he and Macy had spent so many nights together.

Letting her once again slide down his body, the Guardsman held his Mate close, looked deep into her eyes, and nodded. "I love you, Macy Lindon, with all that I am and all I'll ever be. When I left all those years ago, I thought I would be right back, but then…."

Laying her fingertips to his lips, Macy winked, “Felim showed me everything.”

"He what?" Jack spat. "That old coot, I swear to all that's…."

“And I’m glad he did,” she kept going like he hadn’t said a word. “’Cause that way I not only saw and heard, but Ifeltwhat it did to you to be away from me, from your home, from your family.” Patting his chest then rubbing the spot where his heart beat the strongest, his beautiful Mate pushed up on her toes then crooked her finger until his lips hovered just above hers. “Tonight’s the first night of our forever. We can talk tomorrow, don’tcha think?”

Not needing any more convincing, Jack lifted Macy’s feet off the ground, laid his lips to hers, and with the Magic of his Dragon King, erected a tent complete with an air mattress and the softest blankets he could imagine. Racing towards the tent, it seemed to take forever, but when Macy's voice lilted through his mind, Jack knew he was finally, well, and truly home.

“I love you, Jack Thorntree, more than all the stars in the sky. Make love to me, make me yours completely. You have my heart, now, forever, and always."