She was lying. She knew next to nothing about fixing machinery. Grayson was the one who was going to be fixing the machinery.

Gavin looked between the three of us again but said nothing. He only nodded and left in search of the guest shower downstairs.

When I heard the door to the guest room open and close, I glared at Maddy. “Why would you do that?”

“Because you need to be serviced and you need a little push in the right direction. You literally have heart eyes staring at the man. I was practically suffocating from the sexual tension between the two of you. I am willing to put my Birkin on the fact that he feels the same, too. He is probably just waiting for you to give him the go ahead.”

“You can meddle, just not with my life. Gavin and I are nothing but coworkers. We aren’t even friends anymore. I don’t want to complicate my life. I want peace in it, not more things to worry about.”

It wasn’t an all-around lie. I did want peace and if my past had taught me anything was that falling for someone could be like involuntary suicide. You enter into love as one person but you never come out of it the same. You are changed. Broken. Scarred. Jaded.

Marcus walked over to the fridge. “But you used to be. I remember how close you two were. I used to even think that you guys were a thing back then.”

“Yes, but that was all in the past. We are different people now. We aren’t the same.”

“So get to know him again. At the very least, just kiss to eradicate the thick sexual tension that is suffocating me. Your fuck-me eyes are very obvious. I’m sure he even notices.”

I opened my mouth to make a quick retort but I was cut off by my son.

“Mommy, what’s fuck-me eyes?”

Maddy clasped a hand over her mouth and looked wide-eyed at Axel. She mouthed an ‘I’m sorry’ to me before she hopped off her chair and waddled out of the room to escape my growing wrath.

“Can you see what your wife did now?” I said to my brother, who stuck his head in the fridge to either conceal his laughter or hide from my wrath as well.

He stuck his head out of the fridge and looked at me and Axel before he opened his mouth. “Did you hear that? Sounds like my phone buzzing upstairs.”

He dashed out of the room, leaving me with my son. Traitor.

I looked down at my baby who was still staring at me with those big doe eyes that, if I was being honest, reminded me a lot of Gavin. They were the same shade of green and held a spark.

I kissed his head and snuggled him close to me. “Nothing, baby, don’t worry about it. It’s a bad word. We don’t say words like that here.”

I was going to kill them both.