“Sweetie, don’t. There is danger.” I kissed his head, watching in horror as the man I loved took another punch from Arthur. Axel continued to wriggle in my arms, and I was trying to hold him but his elbow hit the side of my eye which caused my grip to loosen, and he was able to jump out of my hold.

I tried to grab him but he bolted where Gavin had just body-slammed Arthur into the ground.

“Leave my daddy alone!” Axel sprinted to Arthur and then kicked him with his little shoe. We all watched in astonishment for a second as the little two-year-old defended the man he had just publicly called dad.

Arthur tried to reach for Axel, but Gavin swooped him up and handed him off to Jade who was close by. He struggled in Jade’s hold, but she just held him tightly and started making her way away from the scene.

My eye was painful but not as bad as it had initially been. Gavin rushed to my side to assess the damage that had been done to my poor face.

“Are you okay?” he asked, kissing my nose and then forehead.

I nodded. “Are you okay?”

His knuckles were bleeding, and I was sure that Arthur had gotten him in the jaw, but he was still standing strong, though, so I knew I didn’t need to be that worried about him.

“I’m fine. Nothing a little ice and rest can’t fix. Come on, let’s get you out of here.”

My eyes moved to where Arthur had been laying. But I noticed that he was no longer there. He had gotten to his feet, but that wasn’t the part that made me gasp. It was the reflective metal thing in his hand that had me screaming out Gavin’s name.

I pushed him out the way and went for Arthur myself. I stayed low and tackled him to the ground. His grip on the knife didn’t loosen. Instead, he managed to get me into a hold. He pressed the knife against my skin.

“Anyone move, I slit her throat.”

Grayson, Ethan, and Gavin held their hands up. Lily stood not too far away with tears in her eyes. I could see off to the distance nurses were on the phones and other family members who had shared the waiting room space with us had dispersed.

“Anyone make any sudden movements, she dies. We are going to get up now. Nice and easy, Daniella. Then we are going to find our son, and we are leaving this God-forsaken town.”

At first, I didn’t move, then he pressed the knife harder against my skin, and I whimpered. Where the hell were these police officers?

Slowly, we got to our feet. His chokehold tightened, and my breathing became more labored. He was suffocating me.

“Can’t breathe,” I said, barely able to speak.


My eyes found Gavin, and I could see the look of anger on his face. His eyes were zeroed in on Arthur. His eyes then cut to me, and he held my gaze. Like some strange connection, I knew what he was trying to tell me. He gave me a slight nod.

“Eat shit,” I choked out before I sent my elbow forward knocking the wind out of him. He loosen his hold on me, and I moved out of the way just as Gavin launched himself at him.

They tumbled to the ground and fought. I looked around frantically for the knife, but it wasn’t on the floor which meant it was in Arthur’s hand.

“Gavin, the knife!”

Just as I said that, he hissed out in pain, as Arthur plunged the knife into his abdomen.

“No!” I screeched and fell to my knees.

“Hands up! Police!”

Arthur threw Gavin to the side like a large sack of potatoes. He got on his knees and placed his hands behind his head. He grinned evilly at me, his teeth tinted with blood, as I ambled my way to where Gavin was. I could see red spreading all over his white shirt.

His eyes were on me, and his body was shaking. He was going into shock.

I looked to the nurses. “Help him!”

They all sprang into action, coming to his aid. I felt arms come around me, but I tried to fight them off. They were stronger than I was. My vision was blurry from the tears pooling in my eyes. I watched silently as they got to work on Gavin.

The police had Arthur on the ground with handcuffs. They had been too late. I had been waiting for their rescue, but they were too late and now Gavin was paying the price.