Chapter 23 - Gavin: Her Hand

We had been in the waiting room for almost two hours, and there had been no news from Marcus. He knew we were here, and I was sure that he was freaking out a little. For nine months, this baby had only been but a myth to him. He hadn’t held it or felt it. The only evidence of this baby was Maddison’s growing belly.

I had not been there for Axel’s birth, but I was sure if I had been, I would have been a bundle of nerves. I would have felt useless, watching Danny in all that pain. I never wanted to see her in any kind of pain, even if it meant birthing the miracle that was Axel.


I snapped out of my reverie and stared at my girlfriend. “What?”

She cocked one eyebrow up. “You tell me. You keep staring at me like I invented gravity. Is everything okay?”

“More than okay actually.”

Axel lay in her lap sleeping. He hadn’t taken a nap, and it was getting closer and closer to his bedtime. I didn’t know how long labor took but, from what I had seen in movies, it was a long process for some women. If that was the case, then I would need to take Axel back home to get some rest.

“I was thinking.” Danny kissed our son’s head and then looked at me. I know this is hardly the time but I need to tell you something.”

I waited for her continue.

“I called Jade before we left California. I asked her to start processing the papers so I can get you onto Axel’s birth certificate.”

It took me a moment to register what she had just said. Then when my brain had finally caught up I smiled the widest smile. If she weren’t holding Axel I would have tackled her to the ground.

“Also, it would be nice if maybe you moved into the main house. Maddy and Marcus will be moving out after their house is done in a few months, and it will be nice if we could get used to living together. Besides, that house is too big for just Axel and me. Why not just move your things over from the cottage? That is if you want to. I know how guys can be about personal space and needing alone time. I would never want to force you into anything you aren’t comfortable with.”

“You had me at ‘I was thinking’. You have no idea how happy you just made me Danny. I want nothing more than to be in Axel’s life and I promise I will be the kind of man that is worthy of being his dad.” I choked on the last few words the emotion overcoming me. I laughed, leaning over and kissing her softly.

“So that’s a yes to both?” Her eyes glistened with her own tears.

“Of course, my light.”

“Your what?”

“My light,” I said matter of factly. “That’s what you are to me. In the midst of the darkest times in my life, you came along and you shined your beautiful light, and my world has never been the same since. You make every bad day bearable, and you make every moment worth living when I’m next to you.”

I could see tears welling in her eyes.

“Just propose already.” Of course, it had to be Ethan, the little bubble popper.

Lily, who sat beside him, slapped his chest. “You ruined the moment.”

“He was taking too long.”

“And you haven’t taken long getting down on one knee for me ?” Lily teased. “Let others shine, E, and have their moment.”

“You know”—he winked at Lily—“I’m an attention hog.”

Lily stuck her tongue out at him.

“Lily,” he said to his girlfriend, going serious. “Marry me yet?”

“No,” she said in a sing-song voice. “I need more emotion, preferably tears, and a heartfelt speech in there.”

I rolled my eyes at the two of them. Next to Maddy and Marcus, they had one of the strangest relationships I had ever seen, but their dynamic worked. They complimented each other in the best way possible.

I had meant every word I had said to Danny. She was my light; with her, the world wasn’t such a dark and scary place. She was light, and I couldn’t imagine doing this thing called life without her. The ring that I had bought on our holiday burned a hole in my pocket.

I had planned for her to have the ring on her finger by the time we had touched down in Riverroad, but Arthur had ruined my plans. But it was fine. It was only a slight delay.