This could not be happening. This could not be happening.

“Get back!” Gavin roared, as he shielded me.

The valets sprang into action, helping him shoo away the paparazzi. Our car was brought up front, and Gavin helped me into the front seat. I looked out the windshield and saw all the flashing lights.

Gavin got in on the driver's side and started moving slowly, forcing the paparazzi to move away from the rental. Once the way was clear, he floored it and pulled away from the parking lot.

“What the hell was that?” He growled, but I knew his anger wasn’t directed at me but rather the paparazzi that had invaded our private space. The happy bubble we had once been in shattered.

My phone buzzed in my clutch. I pulled it out, and Maddy’s name flashed across the screen. I swiped the screen and held the phone to my ear.

“Did you see what that asshole did?” She was fuming.

“What do you mean?” I asked in a shaky voice.

“I sent you the video twenty minutes ago. It wasn’t until I scrolled through Instagram, then I saw your face plastered all over it with the caption Arthur’s Baby Mama. I swear I am going to kill him, Danny. I am going to burn that asshole to the ground for doing this to you..”

“Oh my God.” I clasped my hand over my mouth.

“What is it?” Gavin looked at me for a moment before turning his attention back to the road. “Put it on loudspeaker, baby.”

I removed the phone from my ear and did as I was told.

“Gav, can you hear me?” Maddy asked.

“Yeah, tell me what you know, Mads.”

“Well, other than the fact that Arthur is a psychopathic imbecile? He is trying to come after Danny to make him look like he is being separated from his son. Jade and his lawyer tried to reach a settlement, and he wouldn’t budge. I think this is his retaliation.

If he can’t win in court, he will try to take her down in public to rally the public’s support.”

“Is he still in Riverroad?”

“Hell if I know. But I swear, if I see him walking these streets, all hell is going to break loose. You don’t hurt one of us without hurting all of us. I have all the time and the resources to make his life a living hell, and I intend to.”

“We should be heading back in the morning. You just keep us posted on anything else regarding the case. I will get Danny and Ax out of here as quietly as possible. We don’t need to give that asshole more leverage.”

“It’s fine, I have my people working on deleting all of this off of the internet,” Maddy explained, then her voice turned tender as she addressed me directly, “And Danny, don’t worry. We will take care of this. The bastard will not get away with this. He ruined your life once before, and I will be damned if he gets a second shot at doing it again. I just need you to stay off social media and don’t entertain any questions from any paparazzi. Silence is your best friend when dealing with things like this. Got it?”

I nodded unable to speak, but she still waited for my response.

“She’s got it,” Gavin said for me. “We need to go, Mads. We will talk to you soon.”


Then she hung up.

Curiosity getting the better of me, I went to my messages and scrolled down to Maddy’s chat.

Have you seen this?

Below was a video of Arthur having a sit down interview with some woman I did not recognize. I shouldn’t have, but I clicked play.

“So Arthur, tell me,” the woman asked, “why do you think your son is being kept from you?”

“I don’t know.” He feigned misery. “I didn’t even know when he was born. I only found this out when I went back home to clear my mind, you know? All this time, I had been searching for a reason to keep going and keep fighting through my darkness. As most of you know, I struggled for a long period of time with depression. I was in a dark place, especially those last few months when I said some things I never should have said. Recently, I discovered that I was the father of a two-year-old baby boy. I finally found that reason that I had been searching for to keep breathing.”

The woman looked at him with sympathy in her eyes. “Are you in communication with your child’s mother?”