Chapter 19 - Gavin: Malibu

I was nervous. When we touched down in LA, and I saw her face light up like a Christmas tree, I knew that I had done well. This had been one of her bucket list items when we were kids. If I’d had it my way, I would have taken her to Paris, but I knew she would be uneasy being so far away from home. But that was definitely on the next trip.

Axel had knocked out mid-flight and slept soundly in my arms. It was still so surreal to think that, once all the papers were done, he would be officially mine. I had felt it for a long time, and now it was reality. This woman had truly given me more than I could have ever imagined.

We sat in the back of the sleek Mercedes that Callum had sent for us. He was allowing Dan and Axel to get the full VIP treatment. I owed him big time.

Danny was looking out the window like a little kid at a candy store. She was so excited at every little thing she saw. She pointed other Rodeo Drive and talked animatedly about all the movies she had watched that included that landmark. Wide with wonder, I could practically see the stars in her eyes.

I had thought that returning to LA would have induced some kind of fear in me, but I was okay. All of that drama with Tatiana was long forgotten, or at the very least, locked in the vault for the time being. My focus was solely on my girlfriend and our son.

Axel was asleep in my arms and drooling all over my shirt, and my gorgeous girlfriend was by my side. This was everything and more. To think, I had been the same guy downing overpriced liquor and sleeping with women who couldn’t even pronounce my name night after night only a few months ago.

“This is incredible. No wonder you ran to this place after high school.”

I had liked LA for the time I had been here but now I had a new home. It wasn’t Riverroad, though, my home wasn’t a place. It was Danny. Wherever she wanted to be would be where home would be. She was my peace. She was my safety.

“We aren’t at our final destination yet, though. We are about a thirty-minute drive away now. We will see LA properly tomorrow but, for now, you guys need rest. We got up pretty early, and we have dinner plans for later.”

She shook her head in disbelief. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”

“The better question is what did I do to deserve you. You are everything to me and more, Dan. You gave me my dream without even trying to. You don’t know it, but you saved me, Daniella Anderson. I had been a lost soul wandering, and you just walked right in with your light and kind heart, and I knew I was a goner three months ago.”

She reached over the console and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. I felt my dick stir, and I had to remember where we were and that now was not the place nor the time. But she was like walking temptation.

She was in denim shorts and a tight tank that showed off that sexy chest. Just staring at her made me weak in the knees. This girl had me right by the balls, and I wasn’t even mad about it.

We pulled up to Callum’s beach house after another twenty or so minutes. I watched Danny’s mouth drop to the floor in awe. Exactly the reaction I had been looking for.

The beach house reminded me of Tony Stark’s cliff home except Callum’s house was right by the beach. You could hear the sound of the ocean crashing, and the sunsets here were something out of this world. The house was mostly windows and glass. Not exactly ideal for a toddler, but I had asked Callum to make the necessary childproofing arrangements.

“Gavin? Is this your house?”

The car came to a halt at the front steps. A few moments later, Callum walked out with his megawatt smile on his face. I had told the man that I would bring her to him when we were settled in but leave it to him to ignore what I wanted and do exactly what he wanted.

“Nope, but it is his.” I pointed out my window at my best friend,

“Oh my God,” she gasped, “is that Callum Chambers? LiketheCallum Chambers?”

“Okay calm yourself, woman. He is just a man.”

“Just a man?! He is like the greatest quarterback of our generation.”

Her loud squeal caused Axel to squirm. He snuggled back into my chest once he got comfortable again.

“Look, you are waking Axel. Calm down. He is just a regular guy underneath all that star power. Besides, he wet his bed in college once when his crazy ex-girlfriend came to his dorm with a bat…”

The driver came around the car and opened the door for Danny and then rounded it to my side and opened the door for me. We stepped out into the humid Malibu air. I breathed in the scent. Yep still smelled the same: money, fakers, and wannabe Hollywood stars. California—specifically places like Malibu and LA—reeked of desperation, but it had been my home for so long that I had learned to appreciate some aspects of it.

“As I live and breathe, if it isn’t my good old friend Gavin freaking Hendricks.” Callum walked down the stairs with his golden-boy winning smile. “And you must be his lovely girlfriend Daniella.”

He reached for her hand and placed a kiss on it. He then looked my way, obviously trying to piss me off—it was working.

“Danny is just fine.” She blushed. “So, this is your house?”

“Yeah, it’s quaint but it’s home. I can give you a personal tour if you would like.”

I glared at my best friend removing his hand from my girlfriend. “No, she would not like it. She is fine with having me show her around.”