“What’s going on?” I rubbed my eyes trying to get rid of the sleep in them.

“Mama, trip!” Axel squealed a little too loudly for my liking. I looked at the watch on the side table and saw that it was 6:30.

“Why are you waking me up at six in the morning?” I glared at my gorgeous boyfriend. I had come to find that Gavin was in fact a morning person while I was not one.

No sane person liked waking up early.

“We are getting out of this town for a little while, remember? You need a break, and I need to see you smiling and happy again.” Gavin grabbed Axel and placed him on his shoulders. “You don’t need to pack. Maddy handled that for you. You just need to get dressed. The jet is waiting.”

Then they made their way out of my room. Maybe it was the sleep fogging my brain this early. Had I heard him correctly?

“Did you say jet?”

After scrambling to get ready and barely having my eyes open through the process, we were in his truck and on our way to the airport. The more questions I asked about our trip, the more Gavin dodged them. He wanted me to ‘enjoy the ride and just live’. It was like he didn’t know me at all. A high alert was my default setting.

When we arrived, there was in fact a jet on the tarmac. The expensive aircraft looked so out of place in our humble little airport. If I was being honest, it looked like it cost more than our airport.

“How did you afford all of this?” I looked to Gavin.

“I know a guy.” He winked before getting out of the truck and retrieving Axel from the back. “Stop asking questions and just let me spoil you, woman.”

“Okay.” I smiled as I hopped off the tarmac. The cool fall air in Riverroad was biting, seeing as I was in denim shorts. I had been told to dress for the destination and not the departure.

“Ready Ax?” Gavin asked as he walked us to the large aircraft which already had its engines on.

“Yeah!” Axel waved his little superman toy in the air.

“That’s my boy.”

The comment was so innocent, but it warmed my heart.

This was our first official family vacation, and I couldn’t help but to feel optimistic and happy. These were moments for which I had yearned and prayed, for what felt like years, and now I was living it. It felt surreal. And to think, Gavin had been in front of me for over ten years, and I had been none the wiser of how good it could truly be.

Life had a funny way of working itself out.