“You are one expensive friend,” he grumbled. “Fine, I will send it. Just message me the time and any food preferences you guys may have.”

“Okay. Thanks for helping me out, Cam, it means a lot.”

“We’re brothers, Gav. Look, I need to attend some company. I will text you the arrival time of the jet.”

“It’s Thanksgiving. Do your whoring tendencies never rest?”

“Not since junior high.” He chuckled. “Okay. Peace.”

He hung up the phone before I could say anything else. I shook my head and pocketed my phone in my jeans.

I walked back into the house, but as soon as I closed the door, a knock sounded. I opened it again and was surprised to find a guy in a thick leather jacket.

“Hi. I’m looking for Daniella Anderson.”

“Who’s asking?”

“Look, man, I’m just trying to do my job here. Is she here or not?”

“Danny,” I called over my shoulder, not taking my eyes off the guy in front of me. Danny appeared after a few seconds with a smile on her face. It faded slowly, as she took in the scene.

“Yeah?" Her eyes moved from me to the guy standing in front of us. “Who is this?”

“Daniella Anderson. You have been served.” The guy pulled out a large envelope from his messenger bag.

Danny’s face turned white. This could be the work of only one man. Arthur fucking Williams.