Gavin let out a soft chuckle, and I just gaped at her.

“Maddison!” I said, mortified. “No. We did not have sex. We were just really good friends in high school.”

She nodded slowly, still not looking convinced. Lifting a fork full of noodles, she stuffed them in her mouth. When she swallowed, she pointed between the two of us. “Well, if you are going to have sex, just make sure to keep it professional. I’m a liberal boss, you know?”

“Having sex would be the least professional thing to do.”

“It worked for Ethan and Lily.” She shrugged. “But she got knocked up, too, so if you do have sex, don’t get knocked up. Then again, this little bean here will want more cousins.”

“Maddison,” I bit out. I could feel how hot my face was and I was sure Gavin could see it, too. I was mortified.

She let out a laugh. “Relax. I’m only poking fun.” She then looked to Gavin. “You will find out soon enough that I have no filter. I kind of just say whatever is on my mind. You will get used to it with time.”

“Noted.” Gavin nodded, amused.

Before she said anything else, I needed to get Gavin away from her.

I stood from my chair and walked down the porch steps to where Gavin stood.

“Ready to go?” I asked, but I didn’t wait for his response. I just started walking toward the barn where the ATVs were stored. The crunch of his boots on the gravel told me that he was following me.

The last thing I had expected when I woke up this morning was to find Gavin Hendricks at my doorstep. Too many emotions were racing through me right now. I needed to get a grip. If my past had taught me anything, it was that emotions were deceiving—just like people.

Gavin had already proven to me that he could flip a switch at any given moment. When it happened, my entire world came apart. I would not allow that to happen again. I had to be better now. I had Axel to think about.