“Yeah. What? Do you know him or something?”

“I met the prick once at a fundraiser event. He was a total dick and was trying to rub shoulders with Callum, who wasn’t having it. Didn’t like the guy then, and I certainly hate him now. Does he know about Axel?”

“Yep,” he said. “He refused to take responsibility. He said that LA was calling him, and he had an opportunity to get a record deal. So he chose that over his son. Danny took it better than I thought she would have, so that was good. But I knew that it made her pregnancy experience really hard.”

If I had known back then who Arthur was I may have done something about it. I didn’t know exactly what I would have done, but I knew that it would have probably ended with his face being black and blue.

“Listen, Gav, just be patient with her. She needs time. She carries a lot and most of what she carries isn’t even hers to bear. She will need time to let you in. I think you both could be good for each other, I would rather you be with her than another asshole from this town. And Axel seems to like you, which in my book is a big plus.”

I didn’t reply. I just nodded, revved the engine to life, and he did the same. We rode the bikes back to the main part of the ranch and went to help with the setup for Jade and Grayson’s wedding.

As we set up the benches and the aisle, my mind kept wandering back to Danny and Arthur. The more I envisioned him kissing her and roaming his hands over her body, the angrier I got. I didn’t like the fact that he had such access to her, but it was also before my time or after, whichever way you wanted to look at it.

I was here now and I would make sure that, whatever wound and hurt that he left, I would help to heal. Danny was deserving of only the best, and I could only hope but to try to be that best for her.

Danny walked out of the house with two glasses of lemonade in hand. And she looked hella sexy with her jean shorts and white tank. Her hair was up in a messy bun and her face was void of any makeup. This girl was gorgeous inside and out. She was a kind of beauty that I would never get used to. She shocked me every time I saw her. Was that corny? Probably, but did I care? No, not at all.

“I come bearing gifts.” She smiled at Marcus and me. “Since you guys have been working so hard.”

I took the cold glass from her, our hands touching, and I swore I felt electricity surge through my skin. I heard her breath hitch. She felt it, too. She retreated her hand from mine and looked around the barn.

“This is coming along nicely.” She applauded our handy work. We had finished setting up the aisle and the benches. Now we just had to raise the decorated arch, and we would be done with our part.

Danny was staring at the arch with a wistful expression on her face. It almost looked like longing in her eyes. Her mind carried her somewhere far away from the place she was currently standing. A sad smile crossed her features before she shook her head and returned to reality.

“You okay?” I looked at her, concerned and feeling the urge to reach out and touch her, but I knew better than that. I could feel Marcus watching us from the corner where he was placing the last of the decorations down.

“Yeah, I am,” She gave me a forced smile and turned to exit out of the barn. I watched her body retreat until she was completely out of sight.

“Yep.” Marcus drew my attention away from the door.

“What?” I asked. He had a knowing smile playing on his lips.

“You got it bad,” he let out a soft laugh. “My sister has you right by the balls.”

“Shut up.” I rolled my eyes. But he was right. I was wrapped around her finger.