“Only on days ending in y,” she said sarcastically, but I was sure that she was dead serious. Maddison had a ferocious kind of love for her friends and family. She reminded me a lot of Callum. “Anywho, I need to get back to my husband, so I can guilt trip him into giving me a foot rub. This baby has given me cankles. It’s horrendous, really.”

I walked her to my door. “Do you need help down the stairs? I wouldn’t want Marcus cutting off my balls if you fall down my stairs.”

“I’m pregnant, not incapable.”

“Okay, bye now.” She waddled out the door and then stopped. “You made her smile for real, Gavin, and for that, I’m already grateful for you, but break her heart and I will end you.”

Her words filled my chest with pride and some subtle fear

I didn’t say anything. I just held the door open, and she walked out of my room and eventually my house. The talk with Maddison had been unexpected but was surprisingly good. It gave me a little hope for the future.

I walked back to my dresser and got dressed. My mind staying on the image of a genuinely happy Danny.

Nighttime came and the duties from today had me feeling tired and worn out. I underestimated just how taxing this job would be on my body. As a fitness trainer, I was used to high-intensity workouts but this was like a league of its own.

I yawned as I watched Callum on the TV. The idiot was giving one of his interviews on Steve Marker’s talk show. He was promoting one of his latest charity ventures—the golden boy that everyone knew and loved. You wouldn’t think that under all that snoozing and charisma was a manwhore with zero fucks to give.

My phone buzzed on the side table and, without looking up from the TV, I grabbed it and answered.


“Hey, Gav.”

Her voice was like ice on my back. I went rigid. I could hear the blood rushing past my ears as my heartbeat accelerated.

Breathe,I commanded myself.

“Tatiana,” I said flatly.

“I know I am probably the last person you want to hear from, but I just wanted to talk to you.”

“You’re right,” I quipped, “you are the last person I want to hear from.”

She let out a shaky breath, “I just need ten minutes of your time that’s all. Something happened and I need you to—”

I laughed without humor. “You are kidding, right? You can’t possibly be calling me because you need a favor from me. We aren’t friends, Tatiana. You made it very clear to me that you wanted nothing to do with me.”

“Gavin, you know that’s not true. I just couldn’t marry you.”

I ignored her words. “Go ask Hunter for help. I hear you two are very cozy nowadays.”

“What? Hunter and I aren’t dating. We were meeting for work and then the papz came, and they ran with a story that was completely false. I would never do that to you. Do you really think so lowly of me, that I would spite you like that?”


“Yes.” The venom in my voice even burnt my tongue.

She was silent for a moment. If it weren’t for hearing her breaths through the receiver, I would have thought she hung up.

“How many times do I have to say I’m sorry? Do you want me to go on my hands and knees so you forgive me because I will?”

“I don’t care Tatiana. You made your choice and we both now have to live with the aftermath of that choice.”

“I went back to the apartment. You weren’t there, Mrs. Vaga said that you moved out.”

“I did,” I said.

“So where are you?“