That had been our place. We shared a love for seafood and wine.

I could feel the low simmering frustration beginning to bubble. I wasn’t angry at Tatiana for being with Hunter, I was irked with the fact that she had taken him to ‘our spot’. The place we had decided was our safe spot. Before Tatiana and I ever started anything we had been friends first. We shared a lot with each other. We allowed each other to see the ugly side of who we were and Valester had been our safe spot to just vent and drink to our hearts' content.

The bitter taste of betrayal filled my mouth. I was a sentimental guy and stuff like that cut deep especially when it involved someone who had purposefully tried to fuck up my life.

I knew of Hunter. He was Callum’s teammate and a real class act. I didn’t like the guy. There was just something about him that didn’t sit right with me. He had made it a point to make me feel like he was above me just because he had made it to the NFL and I hadn’t. Not to mention the man was a real asshole. He had multiple allegations against him not to mention a charge for assault on a guy in a bar. Tati knew all of this, and she knew me and him didn’t see eye-to-eye, yet she was taking him to our place. That felt like a betrayal of some sort.

“Gav? Honey, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

I cleared my throat. “It’s fine, mom. Besides, I know that you didn’t like her very much to begin with.”

“It wasn’t that I didn’t like her. I just knew that she wasn’t the one for you. I told you this, and you fought me on it. If you ask me, she did you a favor by saying no.”

“I know,” I sighed, “well at least I know that now. But it doesn’t change the fact that it gets to me, mom. Tati and I had been friends before all of this and a part of me feels like we fucked up a good thing because we let other voices control us.”

“Oh honey, I know you loved her. But at the end of the day if she is meant to be in your life she will come back to you in the way in which you need her to. But right now, I just think you should focus on Danny. And don’t try to play dumb, I know you have seen her. You two were always like magnets—drawn to one another.”

“Yeah,” I said distantly.

“Have you seen her? How is she? How are her parents? How is Marcus?”

I didn’t want to get into the nitty-gritty of my and Danny’s non-existent relationship. All I knew was that we were getting along fine, and it was one of the few good things in my life right now.

“I got to go, mom. I’m in the middle of something right now.”

Before she could say anything else, I hung up the phone. I could feel the low simmering rage inside of myself and I hated that Tatiana was still affecting me from miles away.

Eight months ago, I had been so sure that Tati and I were going to get married and start a new life—at least that was what social media had wanted from us and I wanted to play my part. We had been together long enough so it only made sense then. The pressure had been mounting from her fan base and the rest of these sleazy tabloids. So I took the plunge and asked her. When she said no I didn’t get it. But now I see that it was a blessing in disguise.

Now when I thought back on that time, I realized just how wrong I was. That feeling I had searched for with Tatiana could only be found in one person, and that was the very first woman I ever gave my heart to.


Just the simple thought of her calmed my mind. She was my peace. She offered me the comfort I never knew I needed simply by being her.

After a few more minutes of me being lost in my thoughts, Danny walked out of the pre-K building. She had a rather angry-looking Axel in tow. I could see the sadness in her eyes, and I immediately knew that whatever had happened probably had to do with one of two things.

This was about Axel’s father or this was about some kid bullying Axel. But from the look on Danny’s face, it had to do with her ex.

I still didn’t know who he was or what he looked like but, from what I did know, I didn’t like him. He was an idiot for leaving Danny. Then again, I probably should have been thanking him for making her available.

“Hey buddy,” I said once they were in earshot, “how’s it going?”

Axel just grunted in response as his mother settled him into his booster seat. When she was done, she shut the door with his little satchel in hand.

“You okay?”

I could see the tears building in her eyes.

She shook her head.

I went in to hug her, but she stepped away, holding her hand up. She looked into the car window where Axel sat sulking as he clutched onto his little comfort rabbit.

“If you hold me right now, I will burst into tears and I can’t do that in front of him. Can we just go home please?”

I nodded. “Whatever you need. I’m here for you.”

We settled into the car, and we made our way back to the ranch.

The car ride was silent the whole way. I could sense Danny was holding on by a very small thread and so was Axel.