“What is it?” Gavin asked concerned.

“It’s Axel. Apparently, he got into a fight at daycare. I need to go and get him. Would you be able to drive me there? My car is still not working.”

He was already removing his gloves before I even finished my sentence.

“Let’s go. I still have his booster in my car anyway. You can direct me.”

And just like that, we were out of the barn and into his car.

I stared out the window as we exited the gate of the ranch. Axel had never been the aggressive type. I was sure that he was not the one who had started the fight. Was it wrong that I wanted to go toe-to-toe with a toddler for messing with my kid? The protective mama bear in me was surfacing, and I was ready to fight anyone who brought tears to my baby’s eyes.

“He’s not an angry kid,” I said into the silence in the car. “But lately he has just been having these short outbursts. I’m usually pretty good at being able to settle him but lately, I feel like public enemy number one.”

“He’s a kid. They all go through this. It’s probably just a phase.” He reached over the console and grabbed my hand. “You are a great mom, Dan. Axel is lucky to have you.” He released my hand and placed his back on the wheel.

I brought my nails to my mouth and started biting on them. Gavin reached for my hand and pulled it away from my mouth. His eyes were still on the road, but he chanced a glance at me before speaking.

“Don’t do that. I know you are nervous, but everything is fine, okay? Axel is fine, and we will figure out what happened, okay?”

His words brought ease to my heart. I thought he would pull his hand away from mine like before, but instead, he laced our fingers together and rested them on the center council. We drove the remainder of the way to the daycare like that.

I could not ignore the sparks that pricked my skin all the way up my arm. This man had a powerful effect on me. I was sure that he didn’t even know. There was a pull. I could now finally admit that, but a question remained unanswered: was I ready to follow that pull?

So much had happened to both of us and so much time had passed, I didn’t know if it would have been wise to take that plunge and that leap.

I liked boundaries and safety; they kept my heart safe. But what happened when what your heart yearned for was beyond the lines of safety? Would I still chase it or would I play it safe?

Playing it safe had become second nature to me. I was a color-inside-the-lines type of girl now. Taking risks had only given me heartache, and I tried to avoid that at all costs.

I chanced a glance his way. His eyes were focused on the road, but his thumb drew gentle circles on the back of my hand. His hand in mine felt so natural and so right. These realizations I was making lately had been scaring the shit out of me. Gavin Hendricks was a saving grace and a heartbreak just waiting to happen.