“Yeah maybe,” I said, but I wasn’t even sure I would be here a few months down the line. I knew Peter was from here, and I was born here, too, but this wasn’t my home. New York had been where I was raised. All I knew was city life; Riverroad was the complete opposite of that. My life was there. I didn’t have anything here.

“Now, on to the good bits. Your dad left you the ranch and all his other assets. That includes his trucks and all other ranch equipment. It’s all yours.”

I was stunned. Peter had done what? He had left his legacy to a person he had never even met. What if I had turned out to be a deranged, coke-addict daughter? This man had truly taken a gamble on me. How had he been so sure that I would even turn up?

“But there is a clause on it, though. If you are to inherit the farm then you would need to be married, otherwise, you cannot inherit the land.”


“I said that you would need to…”

“No, I heard you, but why do I have to be married to inherit the ranch? That’s a little excessive, don’t you think?”

He sighed. “Well, Petie did have a flair for the dramatics. But don’t worry, sweetheart, the ranch isn’t going anywhere. You will still inherit it after you are married. Now, from what Pete had found, you had been in a committed relationship with someone. You guys have been together for almost two years now?”

“How did he know that?”

“Private investigator.” He shrugged. “I’m the one who arranged it. He knew he didn’t have much time, and he had wanted to track you down. Your mama had done a really good job of making sure that he never found you. But luckily, we did.”

“Yeah, luckily.”

“Right, so seeing as you are in this relationship, I am sure an engagement is not far off. You don’t have to rush anything at all. Like I said, the ranch isn’t running away, and it’s being cared for by Danny right now so it’s in good hands.”

How did I explain to this man that my two-timing boyfriend was no longer in the picture? I couldn’t tell him that.

“I wasn’t going to break the news so soon to anyone, but seeing as it’s part of the will, I might as well. I’m engaged.”

Arnold’s eyebrows flicked up, and his gaze traveled down to my left hand, checking for a ring.

“I had to send it in for resizing, and it hasn’t come back yet. Jewelers.” I laughed nervously. “Such perfectionists, they have to take their sweet time.”

“Oh okay, then I guess congratulations are in order. So will your fiancée be moving here to Riverroad with you or…”

I needed to be smart about how I answered this next question.

“Oh no.” I waved him off. “I’m not marrying the guy I was with in New York. Sadly, that didn’t work out, but fortunately, it led me to the man of my dreams who coincidently lives here…in…Riverroad.”

“Wow.” He eyed me suspiciously. “Do I know this man? Riverroad is small, and everyone knows everyone here.”

“I’m sure you do, but I want it to be a surprise for when I see you next.” I played it off with a laugh. I just kept digging myself a deeper and deeper hole.

“Okay then.” He closed the file. “How about we schedule a meeting for two weeks from now, and you can bring in your fiancée, and we can talk business? How does that sound?”

“Great,” I squeaked. This was horrible. Not only had I lied but I had 14 days to find a man who was willing to lie to a man of the law and marry me. I was royally fucked.

I stood from my seat and shook Arnie’s hand. His hands were clammy which was gross, but I didn’t let it show on my face.

I left his office like it was on fire. I closed the door and leaned against the wall, letting out a heavy breath and trying to center myself.

Wow, Mads. Just wow, my inner voice reprimanded me. I closed my eyes and began hitting the back of my head on the wall. I was stupid.

“Maddison?” Lily said my name in front of me. “What are you doing here?”

Crap. No one knew about Peter, and I wanted it to stay that way. I didn’t need people in my business, and I didn’t want people spreading the news.

It’s not that I didn’t trust Lily, but I couldn’t hold her to a secret. She told her boyfriend everything.

“Just needed to get some legal advice on some business proposal.”