Maddie flipped me the bird. “You’re hilarious, Anderson.”

I winked at her and slowly began to back away. I blew her a kiss, and she pretended to catch it and then stomp on it. I shook my head and turned around, heading to my truck.

No day of mine was ever complete without getting under Maddison Vandlewoods skin.

When she opened the door that day looking for Ethan because Lily had cut her hand, I had known exactly who she was. It had been almost twenty years since I had laid eyes on her, but I knew.

Those haunting blue eyes could have only belonged to one person. Maddison Rostedale or Vandlewoods as she was now known.

I still had no idea as to why she had changed her last name and it wasn’t like she would ever tell me.

Even back then, when we were eight-years-old, I knew she was beautiful. Seeing her that day, I still thought the same thing. Granted, she had boobs now and a perky ass. Puberty had done her well and probably some absurdly priced cosmetic treatments.

No, she didn’t have plastic surgery done; the girl looked natural as the day she was born. I was talking about her make-up and perfume being worth more than a teacher's salary.

Giving her house one last look, I got into my truck and made my way back home. My phone buzzed again, and I didn’t need to look at it to know who it was. Ashleigh.

I didn’t know what I was going to do with her. She was one problem that I would have loved to avoid, but I knew I couldn’t. I understood that we were two people who shared a similar trauma, but that did not mean we had to be together, which was what I felt she wanted.

My phone buzzed again, but I didn’t look at it, seeing as I was driving. I would deal with her later.