Even though they had been twins, Sarah and Ash were fraternal. The only similarity they shared was their eyes. They were jade green in shade. Looking into them felt like I was looking into Sarah’s eyes. Morbid I know, but they brought me comfort.

It wasn’t until last year that I regretted my decision to be so close. Ash had kissed me on my last visit to Sandlewood and, after that, I hadn’t seen her. I would make excuses that I was working and, whenever she was in town, I would tell her that I was out of town.

Everyone at the station knew not to let her in when I was on shift. After three months, she finally got the hint, and we just settled for phone calls and texts. Up until now.

I rolled my shoulders, trying to release the locked tension in them. Then, I got out of my car and made my way to the entrance of the café.

I noticed her the moment I walked into the café. She was hard to miss. Her hair was a vibrant red that I was sure many women envied. Her eyes immediately found mine, and then I was teleported back to a time I had seen those eyes but on someone else.

I had to calm my heart to keep myself in check. Now was not the time. I had one job and one job only today, and that was to let Ashleigh McNeil down easily. I walked toward her table and, with each step, the nerves kicked into overdrive.

She stood from her chair when she saw me and circled her arms around my neck. I was instantly assaulted by a scent that I had not smelled in years. It was a mix of cherry and vanilla. A scent that Sarah wore often.

I found myself circling my arms around her waist wanting to get more of the scent. It smelled familiar and comforting. It smelled like sunshine on a warm day.

What the hell was I doing? I quickly removed myself from her hold and took a step back creating the necessary distance that we needed.

I cleared my throat. “Hey, Ash. Long time.”

She smiled at me with those eyes that haunted me. “It has been. It wouldn’t have been if you had come to visit, but I get it. You were busy and had other obligations.”

The way she was even dressed today reminded me of Sarah. She wore skinny jeans, white sneakers, and a tight-fitting top. She even wore the same necklace that she and Sarah had gotten together. Her face still screamed Ashleigh, but her aura was similar to Sarah’s. What was going on with me?

I scratched the back of my neck. “Yeah, sorry about that. Things have just been crazy with the station and then helping out at Pete’s ranch.”

“I’m so sorry about Pete. I know that he and Danny were pretty close.” She gestured to the empty seat. “Please sit. We have so much to catch up on, and I have so much to tell you.”

“So do I,” I muttered.

This was either going to go in my favor, or it was going to go very left.

“So tell me,” I started, “What’s been going on? Are you doing alright?”

She nodded. “I’ve been good. I’ve been keeping up with therapy, and they slowly started to wean me off my anti-depressants. I don’t even need the sleeping pills to help me anymore. I haven’t had a nightmare in over three months, too. I think I’m finally becoming normal again.”

I couldn’t help the smile that overtook my face. I was proud of her. To hear news like that was incredible. She had gone through so much, and now she was finally out the other side.

“I’m happy for you, Ash, I really am.”

“But that’s not even the best part of what I have to tell you.” She reached over the table and grabbed my hands. “I got a job.”

“Wow. Where?”

“The Daily Mess.”

I stilled. That was the local newspaper.

“So you’re moving back here? Are you sure?”

She let out a gentle laugh. “Of course I am. This is my home, after all. Besides, Sarah is buried here, and all my childhood memories are here. They aren’t painful to look at anymore. And you are here, too.”

She said the last part in a breathy tone that had me on the fence. I was part of the reason she was moving back; I was sure of it. This was not good.

When I had been quiet for too long, her forehead creased into a frown.

“Aren’t you happy? I thought you would be thrilled that I was going to be closer to you.”

“Of course I am, Ash. You know I love having you around.” I plastered on my best fake smile. “This way, you will be able to meet someone very special to me.”