“You think it’s a girl.” I sniffed, my emotions getting the better of me. “I think it’s boy.”
Ethan smiled the kind of smile that reached his eyes. “Boy or girl, I will love them because I already love their mother.”
I wiped away the tears that just kept finding their way down my cheeks. “I come with a lot of baggage.”
“I come with even more. I can handle it.” He placed a soft kiss on my lips. “What else?”
“I have a lot of family drama.”
“So do I, but that will keep our lives interesting. What else?”
He kissed me softly.
“I don’t know how to cook.”
“It’s a good thing that I know how to, then. What else?”
Another kiss.
“We haven’t even been on a real date. We can’t just get married. That’s not how this works.”
“Traditional is boring. But if you insist.” Ethan smirked. “Lily, will you please do me the extraordinary honor of going on a date with me?”
I rolled my eyes. “Really?”
He winked at me.
This couldn’t be happening right now. It was crazy for him to even consider marriage with me. We hadn’t even dated yet.
“What would people say?”
“Who cares what others think? All I care about is what you think. The rest can go fuck themselves for all I care. I only need your yes.”
He was crazy.
“I’m not saying yes.” The smile started to slip from his face. “But I’m not saying no. I will settle for an ask me later. How does that sound?”
He pretended to think over my question for a moment. “Fine. I can live with that as long as the answer isn’t no. I can live with anything you throw my way. We can start small and start with a date.”
“I can live with that.”
Ethan’s lips came crashing down to mine, and we got lost in each other. I was sure that, if I had been wearing any heart rate sensors, they would have been going off like crazy.
“I leave for five minutes, and you are already attacking her?” Maddison’s shriek caused us to break apart in a fit of laughter.
I looked at Maddie who was standing at the door with a smirking Marcus behind her.
“About bloody damn time. I was starting to worry for you there, man.”
Ethan flipped him the bird which caused me to break out into a fit of laughter.
“Can we come in?” Grayson came up behind Maddie who looked like she was ready to throw him out the window. Beside Grayson was a smiling Jade.
I waved them inside. I remembered her words from earlier. I didn’t need to forgive and forget right away, but I did need to take the first step in that direction. He was my brother after all, and family was family.
As Jade and Grayson filed into the room, I saw my mother standing by the threshold.
“Mom,” I said. “You came.”