Page 67 of Daddy’s Obsession

Oh, thought she got to challenge him, did she? A grin tilted up the ends of his lips.

“Haven’t got much choice, have you? There’s no getting past me.”

“What do I get if I do?”

There was no chance. He felt sure of that. But he’d indulge her.

Fuck, getting soft in his old age?

“What would you like?” he asked. He expected her to be shy. Maybe she’d ask for a kiss or a hug or something sweet like that.

“I want you to eat me out again.”

Okay, he was way off base.

“Do we have a deal?” she asked.

Considering he’d been hoping to do that anyway . . . yeah, they had a deal.

He nodded. “Deal.”

She grinned. It was a fierce, gorgeous smile that rocked him.

There was something strange happening inside him as he stared at her, and he had to break the stare.

“Gray?” she whispered. “Everything all right?”

Shake it off, dickhead.

He didn’t know what was wrong with him. But he needed to snap out of it. When he turned back to her, he was aware from her slight flinch that he had his cold mask on. He tried to tone it down, he didn’t want to frighten her.

Once again, she shocked him. Instead of shying back or reneging on their deal, she cupped his face with her hands.

Fuck. Why were they so cold? Mind you, it wasn’t exactly warm in this old building.

“You need to have gloves on, girl.” He rubbed one of her hands between his own, then did the same to the other one.

“I have crappy circulation. I ignore it mostly now.”

He eyed her. “You shouldn’t. There should be better heating in this building.”

“It is what it is.”

It is what it is? Did it really not annoy her? She surprised him all the time.

“So? What do you want?” she asked eagerly.

“I want your mouth around my dick again.” He watched her carefully without making it too obvious. If it wasn’t something she wanted to do, then obviously he wouldn’t force her . . .

But her eyes lit up and she nodded eagerly.

And fuck if that didn’t make his dick take notice. Christ, she liked it, didn’t she? Enjoyed having his cock in her mouth.

Calm. Chill.

“All right, we need a time limit. Three minutes?” Didn’t matter how long he gave her, she wasn’t getting past him.

She nodded and he drew out his phone, placing it on the counter. He set the alarm for three minutes, then he stared at her.