Page 59 of Daddy’s Obsession

“Um, right, I better go now . . .” She tried to turn, but he shook his head.

“Kiss me first.”

“K-kiss you?” Seriously?

But he didn’t say anything more. He wasn’t exactly the most patient man. Cupping the side of her face, he kissed her quickly. Then he drew back.

“Go in. Lock the door behind you. I’ll wait until I hear it.”

She nodded and slunk into her room. This time, she made certain to lock the door straight away.

And the ‘good girl’ he rewarded her with through the door made her legs turn to mush.

Lord. That man.

He just might be the death of her.


“Right, Squish, what do you think? Are you feeling brave today?”

Squish looked back at her doubtfully.

Yeah, she wasn’t feeling brave today, either. She just wanted to hide under her blankets and let the rest of the world move around her.

With a sigh, she looked at her phone. For the tenth time.


Was he ever going to text her? She didn’t know what she’d been expecting. Maybe just a check-in? A ‘how are you?’

“I’m not going out with the guy. I’m a booty call.” She put her hands on her cheeks. What was she doing?

“Going slowly insane, that’s what I’m doing, Squish.”

Squish didn’t look impressed. Squish was a stuffed French Bulldog toy. He was black with a squished-in face. Hence his name. He was soft and cuddly and she loved him. When she was feeling down or tired, Squish was always there to listen to her. To let her cuddle him.

He was the one constant in her life. Well, she had her friends. But they weren’t here. And she didn’t tell them everything anyway. She was well aware that Cat would want to know that she’d seen Gray again.

But that would lead to a whole lot of questions, and she wasn’t yet ready to share everything. Or have Alejandro interfere. Or Sampson, who could be almost as bad.

With a sigh, she set Squish to the side and stood. “I’m going to do it. I’m going to go ask Jenny for my money back.”

Jenn told her that she’d give her that money back a few days ago. It was rude, really, to make her go asking for it. And she truly hated doing it.

But Maeve wasn’t going to be a pushover, either.

She glanced at the black jacket over one of the chairs in her tiny dining area. She should probably return that to The Edge. But she didn’t really want to see Sarah again.

One thing at a time. She could only be so brave in one day.

Besides, it was a Monday and she thought The Edge was closed Sundays and Mondays anyway.

She wondered what Gray was doing . . . no, nope.

Stop it, Maeve.

If he wants to, he’ll text.