Page 54 of Daddy’s Obsession

But instead of looking irritated, he seemed pleased.

“Disappointed, girl?” He walked over to her, then held out his hand. She took it and he helped her up.

“I, well, um . . . we didn’t . . .” Yep, she was blushing again.

“Oh, believe me, I know exactly what we didn’t do.” He reached an arm around her to squeeze her ass. Then he kissed her. Hard. Fast. Demanding.

That was not helping her calm herself down. He drew back, his phone in his hand.

“Tell me your number.”

“I . . . you want my phone number?”

“Will make it easier for us to continue this . . . unless you don’t want that?” His face grew shuttered.

“What? No, oh, no, I definitely want to continue doing this . . . if you do, I mean. If you don’t then I get it. But you asked for my number . . . oh crap.” She placed her hand over her mouth.

“You ramble when nervous, huh? That’s cute.”

It wasn’t cute. And she didn’t want to be cute, anyway. She’d rather be sexy and mysterious.

He started pulling on his clothes. “Sorry, girl. I really have to go. Number?”

“Oh, yes. Right.” She gave him her number before picking up her own clothes. She felt off-center. It was rushed and weird. She’d never liked this part. Saying goodbye.

He surprised her by brushing her hands away, then he helped her get dressed. He even had her sit so he could put her shoes on.

“Do you have a shoe fetish or something?” she asked to try and lighten the mood. “You’re always putting my shoes on.”

“Never had one before,” he replied. “But I like doing this for you.”

He did? Wow. That was sweet.

Almost as though he regretted saying that or hadn’t meant to, he stood and gave her a nod. “Let’s go.”

His abruptness surprised her. But she guessed he had better things to do. She tried to stand but wobbled slightly. He wrapped a hand under her elbow.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m fine. Just stood up too quick.” And she probably needed some water and something to eat. She’d been too nervous to eat much dinner. And she wasn’t someone who could skip meals without getting a bit woozy.

He narrowed his gaze at her as though he didn’t believe her. But he didn’t say anything more about it.

“Let’s go. I’ll drop you off at home, then I’ve got to go see someone.”

See someone? Who?

She assumed he had to do something with the club. What exactly did he do?

“Work related?” she asked in what she hoped was a casual voice.


Okay, his tone told her that he wasn’t going to elaborate. Fair enough. It wasn’t like she was suddenly going to spill everything going on in her life.

Yikes, this casual thing was hard. She’d only slept with one man who she hadn’t really known. So she wasn’t exactly experienced at this sort of thing.

Well, it wasn’t like they’d had a chance to talk. Last time he’d been rescuing her from three assholes and tonight . . . well . . . there had been a bit of talk, but it had been more focused on other things.