Page 214 of Daddy’s Obsession

“Wouldn’t have let you do that if I didn’t want you to. Although after you got me off for the third time, I thought my balls were going to shrivel to the size of peas.”

She had to giggle. “So you’re saying you’re not up to anything this morning?”

“Exactly. But we need to get up and moving, anyway. I’ve got to book us some plane tickets. Should have done it last night.” He rolled off her as he spoke, likely missed her completely freaked out face.

“Fly?” she asked.

He turned back, giving her a worried look. “Yeah, fly. How did you think we’d get home?”


“Drive? Girl. That’s a twenty-four hour drive. And that’s going straight through.”

“I know. I’m sor . . .” she trailed off before she finished that word. Probably just as well considering the ferocious frown on his face.

“You don’t like flying?”

“Do I like getting in giant tin lizards that are defying the laws of gravity with someone I don’t know operating the aircraft that is about to possibly become my fiery and/or watery grave? Yeah, I’m not too fond of it.”

“Fiery and/or watery?”

“It could happen.”

“Scale of one to ten. One being you’re happy, ten being you’re terrified, where are you at when it comes to flying?”

“I’m at fifteen, I’ve just peed myself and/or thrown up all over the passenger in front of me.”

“Guess we’re driving then,” he replied.

“What? Just like that?”

“You want me to argue?”

“Nope. I really don’t. Driving is good. Driving will be fun. I promise. I mean, have you ever had a blow job while driving?”

He pointed at her. “Nope. That’s not happening. That’s not safe.”

“Oh.” She pouted.

“But after a long day of driving you can definitely give me one to wind down.”

“Goodie.” She clapped her hands in excitement. “Road trip with Grumpy Bear! Blow jobs and gummy bears for everyone.”

He shook his head. “Blow jobs are just for me, girl. And there will be no gummy bears.”

“Fine, fine, I’ll settle for gummy snakes then.”

“Are you wanting to head out on a long road trip while sitting on a hot ass?”

“No, thank you,” she said politely. “Have I told you this morning how handsome you look, Grumpy Bear? And that you’ve got a very talented tongue.”

“Got a very talented hand too, girl. Don’t forget it. Stay in bed, I’ll get you dressed once I’ve used the bathroom and we’ll go have breakfast.”

After he’d gotten them both dressed, she was wearing a purple skirt that went down in layers and ended just below her knees and a white T-shirt with a sequin smiley face on the front, he took hold of her hand and led her to the door.

He’d even managed to braid her hair. Sure, it was messy, but she didn’t care.

Gray paused in front of her shelf of awards and trophies. There were also a number of framed photos of her with her friends.