Page 204 of Daddy’s Obsession

“And will you tell me?” she challenged. “Will you tell me if you need something?”

“Like your mouth around my dick?” he asked cockily.

Now who was deflecting?

“Like a hug. Or someone to talk to. Or am I just here for sex and to boss around?”

He leaned into her, his eyes flashing dangerously. “You know damn well how much you mean to me. I have never felt like this toward anyone. You consume my entire world. Try and insinuate that this is about just sex again and I’ll take sex off the table for a week.”


“Then you’ll see it’s not about sex, won’t you? Because you won’t be getting fucked or having orgasms. Hmm, not a bad idea. Then all my attention will be on correcting your behavior.”

Oh, he looked so smug. The ass.

And hearing him say that he would concentrate on correcting her behavior should make her feel murderous.

Not hot as hell.

What the heck was wrong with her?

“Do you understand, girl?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“You’re scared of getting in the bath?”

“I didn’t think I was . . . not until I thought about putting my face in.” She scratched her cheek, but he clasped her hand in his.

“All right. So you won’t put your face under. Would it help if I removed some of the bubbles so you could see the bottom?”

“No. I mean, I know it’s not deep. I just don’t want my face wet.”

“I was going to wash your hair for you.”

“I could . . . I could try as long as you use a cup to rinse it out.” He was going to wash her hair? No one had done that for her since she was a little kid. She wasn’t going to turn that down.

“All right. I’d offer to get in with you, but . . .”

“Yeah, that bath isn’t going to hold both of us and still have water left in it.” She actually smiled at the thought.

“Too bad,” he murmured.

Her breath hitched. Definitely too bad.

“I don’t even have a tub in my suite back at Markovich’s place. Will have to remedy that.”

“Do you like living there?” she asked as he lifted her down.

He held out a hand for her to take as she climbed into the water. Okay, she wasn’t freaking out. That was good. In fact, the warmth of the water felt rather nice on her tense muscles.

“At Markovich’s? Sure. It’s convenient. Means there’s no commute so I’m onsite if he needs me.”

Hmm. That didn’t sound like a home, though. She sat back, something poking into her back. She searched around and pulled out a rubber duck with a giggle.

“Mrs. Doodle Duck! What are you doing back there!” Another one lodged under her thigh. “And Dandelion Doodle Duck.” She found all of them, lining them up on the edge of the bath. “Found them all, Daddy.”

“Good girl. If you don’t like where I live, we can move out. Find somewhere else.”