Page 202 of Daddy’s Obsession

What was she doing? She’d just said that she would like for him to take care of her fully at times. And now she was balking at him undressing her?

She waited for him to shake her hands off or give her a disappointed look. But he just stood there, watching and waiting.

She drew her hands back. “Sorry.”

“No need to be sorry, girl. You’re allowed to take your time with this.”

Really? That was surprisingly patient of him.

“I’ll give you today.”


He winked and she realized he was joking.

This lighter side of him was going to take some time to get used to. She lay there and let him undress her. It was both strange and surprisingly sweet. He was so gentle with her. Those hands, that she knew could be savage, when they touched her were light and careful. As though she was precious.

“You okay, baby?” he asked once he had her naked. He picked her up, holding her on his hip.

Oh, she liked that too.

She had no idea how he was able to carry her around like this, but he was pretty strong. His biceps were to die for.

“I seem to be overly emotional today. Sorry.”

“Girl, do I have to spank your ass every time you say sorry?”

She stiffened. “What? No! Why would you do that?”

“Why would you say sorry when you haven’t done anything wrong?” he asked.

Umm. Right.

“New rule. You’re not to say sorry for anything that’s not your fault. You do, you get five spanks.”

“Five?” she squealed.

“True. That might not be enough. Maybe it should be ten.”

“No, no, five is fine. More than enough.” Sheesh. She saw the bath was full of bubbles and she clapped her hands. “I love bubble baths!”

A smile flickered over his face. “Good. Saw you had some rubber ducks in the cupboard as well. I put them in the bath for you.”

“The Doodle Duck family. Yay!”

“Doodle Duck?” he asked.

“Yep, Mr. and Mrs. Doodle Duck. Then Duke, Daisy, Danny, and little Dandelion Doodle Duck. Ooh, I’ll have to go exploring and find them. I need my snorkel and mask.”

Then she thought about that. About sticking her face under the water and she blanched.

“Actually, I don’t . . . I don’t want that. I’m not . . . I think I might take a shower. Yep, a shower sounds great right now.”

Gray set her down on her ass on the marble counter.

Crap. That was cold on her poor butt. She shifted around, until he put his hands on the counter on either side of her.

“What’s wrong?”