Page 200 of Daddy’s Obsession

Normally Maeve wasn’t into violence. She tried hard to spread kindness and tolerance.

But hurt someone she loved and that fucker would pay.

Gray stared at her in shock. Then a smile flicked at his lips, making her stare at him in wonder. They were so rare, those fleeing smiles. But beautiful.

“What is it?” he asked, running a finger down her face.

“You’re so beautiful.”

“Girl,” he grumbled, like she knew he would. “I got balls.”

“You sure do.”

“And a dick.”

She licked her lips. “Uh-huh, it’s super delicious.”

He closed his eyes. Was there a hint of pink in his cheeks?

Surely not.

“My dick is not delicious, girl.” He gave her a firm look.

“Would you rather it was gross? Strange desire.”

“No, I don’t want it to be gross, you brat,” he grumbled. “Fuck. Fine. My dick is delicious. Now what was my fucking point?”

“I don’t know, Daddy. You were the one making it.”

Oh, the look on his face told her that she was so close to a spanking. Her ass tingled at the thought.

“Maybe you should look into doing Sudoku or crosswords,” she suggested.

“Why would I want to do that?” he asked incredulously.

“Because you seem to be a bit forgetful.”

“Girl, if I’m forgetful, it’s your fault.”

“Poor Daddy.” She patted his cheek. “You just can’t keep up, can you?”

“Are you wanting your butt paddled?”

“No, Daddy. Gosh, you give a man a bit of sympathy and he threatens to spank you.” She shook her head sadly. “Wait, you never told me who hit you. I want to hurt those motherfuckers.”


“Uh-huh. You think I can’t swear. I’m an excellent swearer. I think I might have an award in swearing.”

“Do you?”

“No, but I’m thinking of getting one. Maybe for you. You’re very good at swearing.”

“Thank you. Wait, is that a compliment?”

She grinned at him.

“Oh, someone woke up in a good mood, didn’t they?”