Page 157 of Daddy’s Obsession

“That was kind of rude.”

Gray just grunted.

“You should probably get that looked at too,” she muttered as he rearranged her blankets.

“My rudeness? Nah, it’s not going anywhere.”

“I was talking about the grunting. Is it something you’ve always done?”


She sat back and stared at him.

“So, you really want to spank me?” she asked loudly.

Right as the door to her room opened.

And in walked her friends.



Gray studied his girl’s friends as they walked into the room.

The big guy, Sampson, stomped toward him.

It was too fucking early in the morning for this.

Maybe he would have been more patient and understanding if he’d had any sleep and some food.

Nah. Patient and understanding weren’t really part of his make-up. So when the big guy came at him, blustering, his face almost purple with anger and the clear need to hit him, Gray grabbed him by the shoulders and shoved him against the wall, holding him there with an arm across his neck.

Immy let out a cry, but he didn’t let that sway him. She wasn’t his to take care of.

“Let me go, fucker!” Sampson roared. “You are not touching her! How can you threaten to spank her when she’s in a hospital bed!”

“Let him go,” Jenner Knight told him. “Or I’m calling the cops.”

“Fucker came at me, not the other way around,” Gray said. “Yelling and upsetting Maeve. She needs rest and quiet.”

“Stop!” Maeve called out. “Gray, let him go.”

Gray glared at Sampson who shoved his chest. Gray let him go. But only because he wanted to get to Maeve . . .

Who was currently trying to get out of bed.

“Maeve! What do you think you’re doing?” He raced over and scooped her up before she fell on her ass. He ignored everyone else in the room as he cradled her against his chest.

“Trying to stop you two from being idiots,” she huffed.



“You don’t risk yourself.”

“The two of you were about to come to blows!”