Page 55 of Daddy’s Obsession

She shuffled from side to side. Shoot. She really had to use the bathroom, but she didn’t want to slow him down.

“You need to pee, girl?”

“What, no . . . actually, yes.”

He nodded at a door. “Through there. I’ll wait out here.” He moved over to a set of drawers as she dove into the bathroom.

Jeez, Maeve.

She quickly peed. She hated having such a nervous bladder. Why was she all nervous anyway? She was being silly.

He was waiting when she walked out. As he led her down the back stairs, she looked over at him.

“You don’t have to take me home.”

“Of course I have to take you home,” he replied, sounding incredulous. “Did you check a jacket?”

“Uh, no.”

He stilled, staring down at her. “What?” His voice was a sharp bark that made her jump.

Um, was that so bad?

“You came out in freezing cold temperatures without a jacket?” he asked.

“Well, I wouldn’t call it freezing cold. More like chilly cold.”

“Girl, don’t try to be cute right now.”

She hadn’t been trying to be, had she?

“You can’t be walking around in these temperatures without a jacket.”

It wasn’t that she’d wanted to come out without a jacket, but her two choices had been her velvet coat, which she’d nearly ruined last time, and a thin red rain jacket that had seen better days and wouldn’t have kept her warm anyway.

Still, it seemed that perhaps she should have worn one.

“I’ll wear it next time,” she promised.

With a grumble, he glanced down at himself. She expected him to give her his jacket, instead he led her to the coat check.

“Mr. Hawkins,” the woman said behind the desk, a soft purr in her voice. Wow. “What can I do for you?”

“Have you got any coats that have been left behind?” Gray asked impatiently.

“Yes, you want another jacket?” the woman asked, confused.

“Not for me. For Maeve. Can you make it quick? I’ve got somewhere to be.”

The woman glared at her, then turned away with a huff.

“You really don’t have to drop me off. I can take a taxi.”

“Girl, if I’m not right on top of you, you’ll get yourself into trouble.”

“I will not.” She was highly insulted by that. “I take care of myself every day just fine.”

He grunted. “Did you eat dinner tonight?”