Page 245 of Daddy’s Obsession

“I’m not happy you lied, but it was before you were truly mine. I’d be more upset if you lied to me now. All right? So I’m glad you told me the truth. Stay in there while I get your clothes. I won’t be long.”

“Okay. T-thank you.”

She cleaned up as best she could then searched out a tampon in her handbag. It was a spare one she’d kept in her room at Jenner’s house. Luckily, she always kept some tampons in here. A knock on the door had her letting out a startled yelp.

“It’s just me,” he said. “Come out here.”

“I can’t do that. I’m half-dressed. Someone might walk in.”

“You really think I’d let that happen, girl? I locked the door.”

She walked out, her clothes bundled up.

“Here, give them to me.” He helped her clean up further by using some wet wipes that she guessed came from the glove box of the car.

“You’ve got something in? Or do you use pads?”

“Yes, I’ve got something in,” she told him.

Good Lord.

He crouched and held out her panties for her to step into. Then he put her in a clean pair of shorts. Tears were dripping down her cheeks again by the time he stood. He drew her against him, holding her tight and hugging her.

“Hey, what are these tears for?”

“I just . . . you’re so good to me. I’m sorry I lied.”

He tilted her head back. “Why did you lie?”

“I don’t know. I got into a panic. It just came out.”

“Come on, baby. Let’s get something to eat and keep going. We’ll stop early today so you can have a proper rest. You need some painkillers?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

He wrapped his arm around her and led her to the car. Her clothes were under his arm. He put them in the trunk of the car before taking her into the diner to get some lunch.

She didn’t feel like eating much, and he frowned at her but didn’t say anything. He did make sure she swallowed some painkillers and drank plenty of water.

When they got back to the car, he grabbed her new blanket and tucked it around her. She already had a hold of Squish tight in her hands. He rolled up a couple of her sweaters. “You’re right. We should have gotten you a cushion or pillow. This will have to work. I want you to nap, understand?”

She sighed. She liked naps most of the time, but she felt like she’d taken far too many lately. How would she relax enough in the car to nap?

Then he pulled her pacifier from his pocket.

She blushed. “Someone might see.”

“So? Do you really care what some stranger thinks?”

She shook her head. She really didn’t. He popped the pacifier into her mouth, then fastened her seatbelt. After pressing a kiss to her forehead, he closed the door and climbed into the driver’s side of the car.

She sucked on the pacifier for a while, but didn’t really feel sleepy. Her mind was too busy thinking about everything that happened.

Regret filled her for lying to him in the first place. Even if they had just been casual with each other back then, lying was never okay.


“Yes, baby? Can’t sleep?”