Page 165 of Daddy’s Obsession

Like when she had to stab her stalker.

Don’t think about it. You cannot fall apart here.

“No, not that sort of club.” He leaned forward, placing his hands on either side of her body. “A BDSM club.”

“Are you . . . are you saying that you’re a Dom?”

“Yep, baby, I am. And you’re a Little, aren’t you?”


Gray knew it was a risk, bringing it up like this. And not exactly the place to do it. But he couldn’t hold himself back.

For the first time in a long time, he felt the urge to take care of someone. To be their everything.

Maybe some aspects of being a Daddy Dom didn’t exactly come naturally to him. Perhaps he’d always be shit at the more emotional stuff. But he’d try.

That had to fucking count, right?

Hell, maybe he could read a book or something on it.

“Grumpy bear, what are you thinking about?” Maeve asked, looking concerned.

“Reading a book on how to care for a Little’s emotions.”

Her entire face softened. “You want to care for my emotions?”

“Yes. I suppose so.”

“What makes you think I’m a Little?”

“There have been a few clues. But mostly because you were calling me Daddy earlier. When you were first waking up here.”

“Oh. Yikes. I did?”



She tried to scratch her cheek but he grabbed her hand, giving her a stern look.

“Do not say sorry. I like you calling me Daddy.”

“You . . . you do?” she asked, a look of wonder filling her face.


“You’re a Daddy Dom.”

“I’ve never been in a relationship with a Little,” he admitted. “Never imagined I would. Not sure I’ll make a good Daddy Dom. But I want that dynamic. With you.”

He’d never been this nervous in his life. Fuck. He never put himself out there like this. But he knew that if he was going to ask her to give him everything that he had to make an effort back.

Her eyes were wide as she gaped up at him.

“Well?” he asked, unable to wait any longer.

“I . . . I want that too. Only, I’ve never had a relationship with a Daddy Dom, either. I only know about any of this because I have a friend, Cat, who is a Little. And her husband is her Daddy. She helped me discover who I was and not to . . . not to feel ashamed of who I am.”