Page 163 of Daddy’s Obsession

“I’m . . . I’m sorry . . . I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

“The idea of the hot tub scared you?”

She nodded.

“You cannot let it beat you, baby. You cannot let fear rule you.”

“I just . . . not yet . . .”

He just eyed her. “All right. Not yet. I’m pushing too hard too fast. I’ve always been impatient. But I don’t want fear ruling you.”

“I don’t either . . . but it’s too soon.”

“Eat for me, baby.” He moved the fork close to her mouth. “Choo-choo.”

She opened her mouth and took the food. “You got to say it with enthusiasm. And pretend you’re pulling the cord to work the horn.” She moved her hand up and down to show him.

He eyed her hand. “Hmm, that reminds me of something else.”


“Like you tugging on my cock,” he told her.


“I can do that.”

His lips twitched. Nearly a smile. “Not right now, baby. Eat your food.”

She sighed and ate another forkful. Okay, she was never going to admit it, but these kale chips were rather nice.

“We really have to work on your ability to make small talk,” she decided. “You’re very good at riling people up but not that good at making friends. I still owe you a debt. Actually, I owe you two now.”

She took another forkful of food.

“You owe me nothing and why would I want friends?”

“Everyone needs friends or they’ll get lonely.”

“Why would I be lonely when I have you?” he asked.

The next forkful landed on her cheek when she turned her head at the last moment.

“Oh, sorry. I . . .”

He grabbed a napkin, wiping her face clean.

“You’re so sweet. Like sweet tea with ten teaspoons of sugar.”

“Girl, I’m not sweet,” he grumbled.

“You won’t take it back, will you?” she whispered.

“What? Take what back?”

“What you said. I mean, are you really sure . . . about wanting me? About me being more than just a sex buddy? Because if you say it, then take it back, I don’t think I can survive.”

He put the food and fork down and the look on his face was one of intense anger and pain. When he cupped her face between his hands, she had no choice but to look him in the eyes.