Page 150 of Daddy’s Obsession

“Lyle?” Gray asked.

“The guy at the front gate,” Sampson told him. “He saw you carrying someone wrapped up in a blanket out of the gate. He thought it looked like Maeve, but he wasn’t certain as he knew we were out. So he quickly checked the cameras and saw that you’d come out of our gate and then he called me. Luckily, I wasn’t on stage.” Sampson grimaced.

“We raced home,” Jenner said. “We were calling Abe and Andy, but no one answered and we couldn’t check the house cameras. It kept coming back that they were off-line. When we got home, we found Abe unconscious. Andy and Maeve were missing, and Maeve’s wet clothes on the living room floor.” He shot a look at Gray.

“I had to get her warm. The hospital has the blanket I used to wrap her up in.”

“They can keep it,” Jenner said dismissively.

“We thought . . . we thought your stalker had gotten you,” Immy said. “We were about to call the police when a friend from the hospital called me. Do you remember Abby?”

“Yes, she works in the emergency department, right?” Maeve asked.

“Yeah, she saw you come in, but didn’t recognize you until something started niggling at her and she checked your name. Then she called me. We figured your stalker likely wouldn’t bring you into the hospital, so we followed behind Abe’s ambulance.”

Sampson snorted. “He could still be her stalker.”

“Gray isn’t my stalker. Will Abe be all right?” She couldn’t stand to think of Abe being hurt because of her.

“He’ll be fine,” Sampson said firmly. “He’s got a hard head.”

“What about Andy?” she asked. “Did you find him?”

Sampson frowned. “No. He’s not answering my calls.”

Why would Andy disappear?

“So you guys have a security system?” Gray asked.

“Of course,” Sampson snapped.

“Well, I managed to enter the grounds without setting any alarms off.”

“What were you doing sneaking into the house?” Sampson asked. “That’s not normal behavior.”

“I needed to get to Maeve and the guy at the gate wouldn’t let me in. My point is — could this Andy have turned the system off, then tried to drown Maeve?”

They all looked sick at the thought.

“He’s worked for me for years,” Jenner whispered.

“I’ll find out,” Sampson said grimly. “I’ll find that bastard and he’ll tell me.”

Would Andy hurt her? But why? He’d always been polite to her.

“You guys should go check on Abe.”

“Immy and Jenner will,” Sampson replied. “I’m staying with you.”

“Not happening,” Gray countered. “I’m not moving from her side.”

Sampson glared at Gray.

“Guys, you’re not helping,” Immy said, her hands on her hips. “And what you should be doing is asking Maeve what she wants, not beating your chests and then trying to pee all over her.”

“Ew,” Maeve said. “That’s gross.”

“But apt,” Immy replied. “Well?”