Page 149 of Daddy’s Obsession

Gray stood straight. “I am not. I’m here to take care of her.”

The doctor eyed him. “All of you need to leave while I examine her.”

“No,” Gray said quietly, but firmly.

Maeve raised a shaky hand to her forehead. What was going on? Why couldn’t she remember anything?

“Maeve?” the doctor asked in a far kinder voice than she’d used with the others. “Are you feeling all right?”

“I’m . . . uh . . . I can’t remember . . . what happened.”

The doctor moved forward, taking note of her vitals. “Would you like them all to leave? I have no trouble getting rid of them for you.”

All of the men frowned, while Immy turned to give her a watery smile.

“No, they’re all . . . they’re my family.”

“All right. Your oxygen levels are looking a lot better so we’ll monitor them tonight, then if it’s still good tomorrow you can go off the oxygen. Does anything hurt? Your chest?”

The doctor asked her several questions before listening to her lungs.

“Now, you said you can’t remember what happened?”

“No,” she said hoarsely. “The last . . . the last thing I remember is going outside. It was hot and I wanted to sit by the pool and then I woke up here. Have I got brain damage?”

Immy let out a wounded noise.

“We’re going to give you an MRI tomorrow, but it’s normal to have some short-term amnesia after a drowning. Your memory might return or not. But don’t let it worry you, all right? Tomorrow someone will talk to you about speaking to a therapist. You went through a traumatic experience.” The doctor gave her a smile, before it dropped as she looked at everyone else. “Now, not all of you can stay here. You have ten minutes to say your goodbyes, then only one of you may remain.”

Maeve stared at her friends, then Gray. There were so many questions running through her mind that it was hard to grasp onto one.

“It’s okay, Maevie-baby,” Immy said. “We’ll do whatever you want.”

“Abe?” she whispered. “Someone said Abe was hurt?”

Jenner and Sampson exchanged a glance. “He’s fine.”

But she knew that they were lying.

“What happened to him?” she pressed.

“Who is Abe?” Gray asked.

“A friend,” she whispered. She was so exhausted, she wasn’t sure she could handle much more. “He stayed home with me. He was working in his office.”

“So you did actually leave someone to watch her,” Gray muttered.

“We left two people,” Sampson told him. “Jenner’s other bodyguard, Andy, and Abe.”

“What happened to Abe?” she asked.

“When we got home tonight, we found him in his office,” Immy said. “He was slumped over the desk, unconscious. Someone hit him on the head.” She ran her hand down her face, looking shaky. Jenner drew her closer to him.

“Immy,” Sampson barked.

“I know you guys are ridiculously protective, but you can’t keep stuff from her,” Immy said. “It will upset her more not knowing.”

“Lyle called us while we were at the auction,” Sampson explained.