Page 134 of Daddy’s Obsession

“And we need to find out who this bastard is,” Sampson stated.

“And stop him from following her,” Isaiah added.

“I am going to get my plane ready,” Alejandro stated. “We will be there within a few hours to collect you, Maeve.”

Oh, shit.

That wasn’t exactly what she wanted. She glanced over at Sampson with a plea in her eyes.

“Maybe it’s best she stay here,” Sampson said carefully. He didn’t want to rouse Alejandro’s anger.

None of them did.

“Why would that be?” Alejandro drawled. “Do you not think I can protect Maeve and find this asshole?”

“No, I know you could,” Sampson said. “I’m hoping you do find this asshole. But aren’t you meant to be leaving for Mexico soon?”

“We will postpone it,” Cat said.

Alejandro started swearing. “It will be difficult to postpone, kitten.”

“Papi, this is more important.”

“It is, of course it is. Maeve is important.”

Didn’t matter that she knew these guys loved her. Hearing that she was important still had the power to amaze her.

“Guys, I don’t want to ruin your vacation,” she said. Although she was sure it was as much about business for Alejandro as it was a holiday. “That would make me feel terrible. Isn’t this meant to be your delayed honeymoon? Why don’t I stay here and then when you’ve had your time in Mexico, you can come here? We might have found my stalker by then. Or he could just give up now that I’m gone. I’m sure I’m perfectly safe here. He can’t have any idea where I am, right? How would he?”

“I do not think that note sounded like he would give up easily, Maeve,” Alejandro told her. “You must treat this as a real threat. If I’m not assured of your safety . . .”

“We’ll look after her,” Sampson said firmly, his face tightening.

Alejandro didn’t look happy. Neither did Cat.

“I’m fine, Cat. Please don’t worry. I promise, I won’t go anywhere. I’ll stay right here.”


“Pinky swear.”

“You’ll do whatever Sampson says? You won’t leave the house?”

“I promise.”

“I still don’t like it. Alejandro,” Cat said in a soft whine.

“I will cancel.”

“Guys, please don’t. What can you do that I won’t have here? There’s a guard at the gate. Security in the house. And this guy won’t have any clue that I’m here. I’ll feel terrible if you cancel.”

Cat took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “I want to hear from you every day.”


“I would like daily updates too, Sampson,” Alejandro added.
