Page 106 of Daddy’s Obsession

He pressed the buzzer again with a frown. Was she asleep? He’d texted her that he was heading over and it wasn’t that late. Markovich didn’t need him tonight.

“Yeah?” she asked, sounding slightly off. Almost grouchy.

That wasn’t like his girl at all. Normally, she was a ball of sunshine. Not something he’d ever thought he’d want. And her need to talk to everyone made him worry about her safety constantly. But he guessed opposites could attract.

Could be because she still had her period.

“It’s me, girl. Let me in.”

“Or what?” she asked, sounding amused now.

Okay, maybe she wasn’t as grouchy as he’d thought.

“Or you’ll be in trouble.”

“No, no, that’s not what you’re supposed to say.”


“You’re meant to say or you’ll huff and you’ll puff and you’ll blow my house down.”


This wasn’t what he’d expected. Was this . . . was this a hint that she had a Little side?

Or she’s just having fun. Still, he wondered sometimes. The dog soft toy on her bed. Her choice of panties and socks.

But none of that really meant anything.

She could just like silly socks and panties. And be really messy. He never thought he’d like a woman who spilled stuff as much as she did. Or left things lying all over the place. But it seemed he didn’t care about any of that.

All he wanted was her.

“Girl, you implying that I’m the big bad wolf?”

A giggle hit his ears making him smile.

“If the shoe fits . . .”

“So that makes you the little piggy, does it?” he asked in a low voice.

“I think I’ll just let you in now,” she said in a high-pitched voice.

“You do that, girl.”

Oh, she was in trouble now. He made his way upstairs to her room. He knocked on her door, gratified to hear her unlocking it. He’d have had to scold her if she’d unlocked it before he got there.

Then she opened her door, staring up at him. She was dressed in that horrible tracksuit and there was a dark stain down the front as well as a bit of something by her lips.

But that wasn’t what had him frowning. Nope, it was the paleness of her skin and the dark marks under her eyes.

“Girl, didn’t you sleep last night?” he grumbled.

He was shocked as she grabbed his arm, tugging him inside. Well, she did her best to tug him. He only moved because he wanted to. It was like a fly trying to move a lion.

She glanced out the door before closing and locking it.

“Maeve? You okay?”