“Were you the only one who got an orgasm while you both enjoyed the sex you were having?”
I frown. “No.”
“Then why the fuck will he hate you? No, let me rephrase.” She waves her hand around, clearly slightly pissed off. “Why the fuck will he even just slightly dislike you because you’re pregnant with a baby he helped make…over and over and over again?”
“I don’t know.” I throw my hands in the air. “He just took over from his father and is probably still finding his feet in this new role he has to play in this family. I just can’t think that he’ll be happy about it. I mean, I’m not happy about it—”
“—right now,” Mira chimes in. “You’re not happy about itright now. But,” she puts her glass of wine on the bedside table and plops down on the bed next to me, “I can almost guarantee that once all this sinks in and both you and Alexius have had time to adjust to the idea of having a baby, you’re going to be really happy about it.”
I tuck my hair behind my ear, absentmindedly tracing along the scar. “I don’t know, Mira.”
“Look, I know it’s not ideal. But at least you two got your heads out of your asses in time and realized that you loved each other before, you know,” she glances at my stomach, “this.” Her eyes find mine, her gaze soft and expression caring. “At least you knew your agreement with Alexius was over and that he asked you to stay because he wants you to and not because he feels obligated because you’re pregnant.” She glances at her wristwatch. “Shit. The family doctor is coming around to check on Mrs. Del Rossa.”
“Is she sick?” I ask, worried.
“No. Well, not physically.” Mira clambers off the bed, pulling her fingers through her honey-kissed hair. “It’s just…she’s not been eating much, and it’s like she just retreated into herself since Mr. Del Rossa died. So I’m worried about her.”
“She’s grieving. She needs time.”
Mira flicks her nails, staring down at her hands, black eyeliner accentuating her long lashes. “I know. I just…” she inhales deeply. “You know those couples who have been together for so long that once one of them passes, the other one dies not long after?”
I nod.
“I’ve been thinking of those couples a lot since Mr. Del Rossa died.”
I shift to the edge of the bed and drop my legs off the side. “You think Mrs. Del Rossa—”
“I dunno.” She looks up at me, and I can see every trace of worry in the swirls of her green irises. “I hope not, but it wouldn’t hurt having the doctor check her out.”
“No. That’s good. I’m glad you’re having him come over.”
“Yeah.” Her gaze cuts to mine. “Hey, here’s a thought. While he’s here, maybe he should take a look at you as well.”
“No.” I wave her off. “That won’t be necessary.”
“Leandra, he’s literally going to be down the hall, so he might as well just pop in here and check you out.”
“No.” I get on my feet and brush past her. “What if he tells Alexius before I’m ready to?”
“I’ll tell him not to say anything.”
My stomach tightens, nervous tension rolling up my shoulders and knotting in my throat. “Mira—”
She rushes up to me and takes my hands. “At least then you’ll be able to tell Alexius without a shadow of a doubt that you are indeed pregnant.”
I lift a brow and glance at the three pregnancy tests. “You have doubts? Really?”
“Well, no. But still.” The scent of her perfume fills the air around us as she leans in to hug me before strolling to the door and glancing back. “Okay, at least let me make an appointment for you to go see him.”
“Okay.” I nod and clutch my arms around my middle.
“Good.” She smiles. “It’s going to be okay. I promise.” The way she looks at me, her eyes two glistening emeralds, somehow manages to ease the panic just a little bit. Kindness always radiates from her as if you could see her heart in her smile.
“Thanks, Mira.”