Page 19 of His Wife


“What’s funny?”

I give her a sideways glance. “You don’t sound happy when you say that.”

“The guilt kills it.”


Leandra stops and turns to me, brushing strands of hair from her face. “What kind of daughter doesn’t mourn her mother?”

“The kind who’s been abused all her life.”

“Still, she was my mom. I loved her despite everything, yet I’m incapable of mourning her death.” Her voice breaks on the last word, and she sucks in a breath.

I touch her cheek with the back of my hand, my knuckles caressing her smooth skin. “Your guilt is unwarranted. She didn’t deserve your love when she was alive, and she sure as hell doesn’t deserve your tears now that she’s gone.”

“Maybe.” She takes my hand. “I didn’t know your father very well, but I do know that if he deserves your tears, he deserves mine, too.”

It’s instinct, natural, how I so easily lean down and capture her lips with mine, soft and hesitant at first, then deepening the kiss, my hands cupping the frame of her face. It’s like it has become an intricate part of my existence, something I’ve been doing for years. Her taste is familiar and bittersweet, reality trickling in through the haze I’ve been under since realizing I’m not willing to let her walk away from me. I’m acutely aware that our deal has reached the beginning of its end. My father is dead, his death the final tear through our agreement. But I’m not ready. I’ll never be ready, which is why I did what I needed to do.

I pull back, tracing my thumb along her bottom lip. “The first time I saw you, you were standing at a grave. Lost. Lonely. Insecure. Little did I know you’d stand at a grave beside me, a queen.”

“I’m no queen, Alexius. I’m just playing my part, remember?”

“Are you sure you’re still playing? Or have you become the person you were meant to be all along?”

Her eyes search mine, her lips slightly parted. “I think that’s a conversation for a different day.”

A subtle way for her to say she plans on sticking around a little longer. At least, out of her own free will, that is.

* * *


I’ve been at Alexius’ side the entire day. Not because it’s my duty as his wife, but because I want to. I want to support him, be everything he needs me to be to make it all easier for him.

His brothers have been glued to their mother, constantly surrounding her, supportive and protective—like a brick wall that can’t crumble. It’s another reminder that the Del Rossa family is so much more than just a crime mafia who gets their hands dirty with underhanded dealings and sex clubs.

Sex clubs. My stomach coils at the mere thought of it, of Alexius going there and doing God knows what with other women. The jealousy tastes bitter, but I have no right. Simply because the signs are there that this might be more than just an agreement doesn’t mean the rules have changed. But the idea of other women having their hands all over him, his cock hard and ready to fuck them, makes my skin crawl. I don’t want him kissing anyone else, touching another woman, or even thinking about having sex with anyone but me.

But again…I have no right. And now that our deal is rushing to its end, I’m more confused than ever.

Mira closes the front door after the last guests leave. Mrs. Del Rossa is exhausted, her cheeks pale and eyes red, but it didn’t stop her from being the perfect hostess, playing her role. It seems in this world there’s always a role to play.

“Are you okay, Mother?” Alexius places his hands on her shoulders, studying her with a worried frown.

“If you’ll all excuse me, I’d like to rest now,” she murmurs with a shaky voice.

Alexius looks at Mirabella, and she steps in next to his mom. “I’ll walk with you.”

Once they’re up the stairs, Nicoli sighs, roughing his hand through his hair. “I don’t know about you guys, but I need a drink.”

“Pour yourself a glass,” Caelian replies. “I’ll take the bottle.”

Isaia lights a cigarette, and Alexius glowers at him. “You know Mom hates it when we smoke in the house.”

“Yeah, well,” a cloud of smoke blows past his lips, “I think me smoking in the house is the last thing Mom gives a shit about right now.”