I rubbed my palms together, my skin prickling with agitation. It was like the universe seemed to think since I was already balls deep in chaos, adding another element likeAn-fucking-drewto the mix would just spice shit up a bit.
“Goddammit.” I cursed, pulling my palms down my face for the hundredth time. Watson had to hurry the fuck up so I could get Sienna the hell out of here.
* * *
All I saw was this cluster of pink and white balloons bouncing off the doorframe, scattering and bumping against each other as it fought to reach the ceiling.
“Andrew?” I narrowed my eyes and smiled as he stumbled in.
“Yeah. It’s me and about a dozen balloons that do not want to behave.”
“Oh my gosh.” I sat up in bed and crossed my legs, tucking my hair behind my ears. “You bought me balloons?”
“See, I was trying to figure out what to get a girl who already has everything as a get-well gesture, and then it hit me. Balloons.” He wrapped the ribbon around the frame at the end of the bed. “I was pretty confident you wouldn’t have balloons.”
I scrunched my nose. “I don’t have balloons, no.”
Silas glanced up from his phone and frowned. “Balloons? Nice touch, Patch Adams.”
“I don’t see you getting her anything,” Spencer muttered, then bumping a fist with Andrew. “It’s a nice gesture.”
“For the record,” Silas slipped in next to Andrew, “I did punch her boyfriend in the face. So even though I didn’t get her any material things,” he glanced up, “like a fuckton of balloons, I did defend her honor which, in my opinion, is worth more than money can buy.”
“You punched Noah in the face?” Andrew smirked. “Nice.”
“Okay, all of you, stop. It’s not funny anymore.”
Silas cocked a brow. “Damn right it’s not funny. Next time he just looks at you wrong, I’ll beat his ass.”
“Just remember,” Spencer started. “Noah can put a bullet in your head from the top window of a building more than a mile away.”
Silas balked, his cheeks pale. “Thank you, brother. You always seem to know how to put shit into perspective.”
Spencer shrugged. “My pleasure, brother.”
“Okay, please just stop before I throw you both out.” I leaned back against the pillow and smiled at Andrew. “Thank you for the balloons. I love them.”
“Sure.” He rounded the bed, concern stirring in his eyes as he looked at me. “You doing okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. My blood pressure dropped, that’s all. Apparently, it’s common in the first trimester.”
“I’m glad you’re okay.” He reached to touch my hand when Noah walked in, clearing his throat so fucking loud; it was more like a growl.
I scowled at him, knowing exactly what was going on inside his head. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think jealousy was a good color on him.
“So,” Andrew started, “Spencer told me you had another panic attack.”
“Another?” Noah placed his hands on his waist. “You hadanotherpanic attack? When?”
“At my party.” Andrew lifted a brow, a cocky smirk tugging at the edges of his mouth. “Next time she has a panic attack, try kissing her. It worked when I did it.”
Noah roared.
Spencer dropped his soda.