Page 4 of To Hate You

The test in my hand weighed a ton as my thoughts spun out of control. Desperation clung to my skin, and I shoved the stick beneath some scarves in my drawer. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to clear my head, but all I could see was the test and the second pink line that continued to taunt me.

I couldn’t do this. I had to get out of here. I had to be somewhere else, or I’d just go mad between these four walls, with the ground beneath my feet threatening to crack wide open.

I scurried around my bedroom, grabbing the first pair of jeans I could find and pulled them on before grabbing a white strapless shirt with a hem that brushed my skin just below my navel.

A glimpse of my reflection in the mirror made me pause, and I turned to the side, placing a palm on my stomach.

How long would it be before I started to show?

When would people start to notice that something was different?

It was such a mindfuck to think that the last few weeks I had nothing but time to lock myself in my room while I missed Noah so much I couldn’t breathe without it hurting. But now? Now time had turned against me, and it would soon run out.

“Sienna!” Silas called, knocking on my door again.

“I’m coming!”

I made my way over to the door while quickly pulling my hair up in a ponytail, but before I could grab the knob, I paused and acknowledged the hollow feeling of my stomach being turned inside out.

I closed my eyes and forced myself to breathe. That’s when I saw Noah. His unruly auburn hair and burning blue eyes. His smile, his laugh, his scent. The way his arms would wrap around me and own me in every way. And those perfect lips, a magnet impossible to ignore whenever they were pressed to mine.

Our kiss.

That one damn kiss that ruined me the moment I tasted him. Now here I was, twenty years old, alone...and pregnant.


“Jesus, Silas.” I flung open the door and looked straight into Silas’ annoyed expression.

“You look slightly better than you did earlier. Slightly. A little underdressed for a birthday party, but I’ll chalk it up to grief and let it go this time.”

“I’m not going to Andrew’s party, Silas.”

He frowned. “But you’re dressed...albeit, not the best outfit I’ve ever seen you in.”

“Even though I appreciate you keeping your sarcasm to a minimum around me, I really don’t feel like a party. I just want to go for a walk and get some fresh air.”

I tried to push past him when he grabbed my waist. “You’re in luck then.”

“Silas, what are you doing?”

He lifted me off my feet and pulled me over his shoulder. “You said you needed fresh air. Well, my new Porsche Boxster and I are happy to assist.”

“Silas, put me down.” I tried to wiggle free and claw at his back so he’d let me go. But my attempts were futile, and Silas didn’t loosen his grip on me in the slightest.

“I’m sorry, dear Sister. But you are going out tonight, and you are going to fucking smile while you mingle with real goddamn people.”

“Good God, you’re an asshole.”

“Yes. Yes, I am.”

I huffed and gave up fighting, letting my body go lax over Silas’ shoulder. Whenever my brother had his mind made up, you could stand on your head and whistle God Save the Queen out your ass; but you’d never get him to back down.

Air rushed out of my lungs as Silas set me down in the passenger seat of his car. I scowled as he rounded the car, got into the driver’s side, and started the engine. He grinned at me as he put the car in gear and sped down the driveway.

“A party isn’t going to make me feel better, Silas.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. But you’ll never know until you at least try. I know you miss him, Sienna.”