“How are you feeling, little sis?” Silas got up on his feet, and I smiled.
“I’m fine, thank you for asking.”
“That’s good.” Silas pressed his lips together and abruptly swung his arm, punching Noah in the face, sending him stumbling back.
“Silas!” I yelled. “What the fuck are you doing?”
He glared at Noah. “That’s for breaking my sister’s heart.”
Noah straightened, and Silas punched him again—harder this time, knocking Noah flat on his ass. “And that’s for getting my little sister pregnant. Ever heard of a condom, asshole?”
“Jesus, Silas. Stop!” I jumped out of bed and rushed to Noah’s side as he clambered off the floor. “What are you trying to do? Kill him?”
Silas shook his fist, wincing as he clutched his knuckles. “No. Of course not. Why do you think I waited till now to kick his ass?”
I frowned. “What?”
“I was waiting to find out if you were okay or not. If you weren’t, then I would have killed him. But since you’re obviously fine, knocking him to his ass is good enough.”
“You’re fucking insane; you know that?”
“Hey, be glad I waited to find out if you’re okay or not. I could have killed his ass for nothing.”
Spencer chuckled. “As if that was actually an option.”
“You, shut the fuck up over there,” Silas spat out, then narrowed his eyes at the can of coke Spencer put on the table. “You bought her a coke?”
“Yeah. Why?” Spencer seemed confused.
“She’s pregnant, you fucking dildo.” Silas stomped across the room and grabbed the coke. “She can’t drink this shit.”
“Who died and made you head of the pregnancy police?”
“Someone has to be the responsible one around here.” Silas drew a long sip of coke through the straw, swallowing as he plopped back down in the seat. “Look at you lot—the one’s nose is bleeding, the other one is pregnant, and you’re just ugly as fuck.”
Spencer’s expression remained stoic, his glower aiming bullets at Silas’s forehead. “We’re twins.Identicaltwins.”
“Then clearly God made you last and skipped a few parts.”
“Oh my God, will you two stop!” I turned my attention to Noah, studying his face, looking for injuries. “You okay?”
“The dude’s fine,” Silas chimed in.
Noah nodded. “I’m fine.”
“See. He’s fine.”
I shot him a deadly glare. “Silas, shut up.”
“Just one more thing.”
“Silas!” I snapped. “What?”
“Your ass is hanging out.” He pointed at the back of my robe, and with heated cheeks, I realized that I was wearing the very unflattering, very revealing hospital robe.
I grabbed the fabric and wrapped it around my behind, the flush of embarrassment traveling down my neck. The sudden silence could easily have made the sound of a pin dropping sound like a bomb going off.
Silas looked at Spencer.